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diff --git a/examples/agent-functionalities/Reliability-functionality/Reliability-functionality.cpp b/examples/agent-functionalities/Reliability-functionality/Reliability-functionality.cpp
index cad229b..cea2ba0 100644
--- a/examples/agent-functionalities/Reliability-functionality/Reliability-functionality.cpp
+++ b/examples/agent-functionalities/Reliability-functionality/Reliability-functionality.cpp
@@ -1,247 +1,247 @@
//===- examples/agent-functionalities/Reliability-functionality.cpp *C++-*-===//
// The RoSA Framework
/// \file examples/agent-functionalities/Reliability-functionality.cpp
/// \author Daniel Schnoell ( )
/// \date 2019
/// \brief A simple example on defining Relianility Functionalities.
#define Reliability_trace_level 5
#include "rosa/config/version.h"
#include "rosa/support/log.h"
#include "rosa/agent/CrossCombinator.h"
#include "rosa/agent/RangeConfidence.hpp"
#include "rosa/agent/ReliabilityConfidenceCombinator.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
using namespace rosa::agent;
int main(void) {
typedef double SensorValueType;
typedef long StateType;
typedef double ReliabilityType;
- std::unique_ptr<RangeConfidence<ReliabilityType, StateType, SensorValueType>>
+ std::shared_ptr<RangeConfidence<ReliabilityType, StateType, SensorValueType>>
Confidence(new RangeConfidence<ReliabilityType, StateType,
{{0, PartialFunction<double, double>(
{{0, 3},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(
0, 1.0 / 3)},
{{3, 6},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(1, 0)},
{{6, 9},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(
3.0, -1.0 / 3)},
{1, PartialFunction<double, double>(
{{6, 9},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(
-2, 1.0 / 3)},
{{9, 12},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(1, 0)},
{{12, 15},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(
5, -1.0 / 3)},
{2, PartialFunction<double, double>(
{{12, 15},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(
-4, 1.0 / 3)},
{{15, 18},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(1, 0)},
{{18, 21},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(
7, -1.0 / 3)},
- std::unique_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>> Reliability(
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>> Reliability(
new LinearFunction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>(1, -1.0 / 3));
- std::unique_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>>
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>>
new LinearFunction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>(1, -1.0 / 3));
- std::unique_ptr<Abstraction<std::size_t, ReliabilityType>> TimeConfidence(
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction<std::size_t, ReliabilityType>> TimeConfidence(
new LinearFunction<std::size_t, ReliabilityType>(1, -1.0 / 3));
auto lowlevel =
new ReliabilityAndConfidenceCombinator<SensorValueType, StateType,
std::vector<long> states;
/* ----------------------------- Do Something
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
std::cout << "Testing the lowlevel component with static feedback telling it "
"that the most lickely state is 2.\n";
for (int a = 0; a < 30; a++)
std::cout << "a: " << a << "\n"
<< (lowlevel->feedback({{0, 0}, {1, 0.3}, {2, 0.8}}),
<< "\n";
std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------"
std::cout << "------------------------------------High level "
<< "Configured in a way that the Master thinks that both Sensors "
"should have the same State.\n While feeding both the \"opposite\" "
"values one acending the other decending from the maximum.\n";
- std::unique_ptr<RangeConfidence<ReliabilityType, StateType, SensorValueType>>
+ std::shared_ptr<RangeConfidence<ReliabilityType, StateType, SensorValueType>>
Confidence2(new RangeConfidence<ReliabilityType, StateType,
{{0, PartialFunction<double, double>(
{{0, 3},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(
0, 1.0 / 3)},
{{3, 6},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(1, 0)},
{{6, 9},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(
3.0, -1.0 / 3)},
{1, PartialFunction<double, double>(
{{6, 9},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(
-2, 1.0 / 3)},
{{9, 12},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(1, 0)},
{{12, 15},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(
5, -1.0 / 3)},
{2, PartialFunction<double, double>(
{{12, 15},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(
-4, 1.0 / 3)},
{{15, 18},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(1, 0)},
{{18, 21},
std::make_shared<LinearFunction<double, double>>(
7, -1.0 / 3)},
- std::unique_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>> Reliability2(
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>> Reliability2(
new LinearFunction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>(1, -1.0 / 9));
- std::unique_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>>
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>>
new LinearFunction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>(1, -1.0 / 9));
- std::unique_ptr<Abstraction<std::size_t, ReliabilityType>> TimeConfidence2(
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction<std::size_t, ReliabilityType>> TimeConfidence2(
new LinearFunction<std::size_t, ReliabilityType>(1, -1.0 / 9));
auto lowlevel2 =
new ReliabilityAndConfidenceCombinator<SensorValueType, StateType,
std::vector<long> states2;
CrossCombinator<StateType, ReliabilityType> *highlevel =
new CrossCombinator<StateType, ReliabilityType>();
- std::unique_ptr<Abstraction<long, double>> func1(new PartialFunction<long, double>(
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction<long, double>> func1(new PartialFunction<long, double>(
{{0, 1}, std::make_shared<LinearFunction<long, double>>(1, 0)},
{{1, 2}, std::make_shared<LinearFunction<long, double>>(2, -1.0)},
highlevel->addCrossReliabilityProfile(0, 1, func1);
CrossCombinator<StateType, ReliabilityType>::predefinedMethods::AVERAGE);
highlevel->addIdentifiers(0, states);
highlevel->addIdentifiers(1, states);
for (int a = 0; a < 21; a++) {
auto out1 = lowlevel->getmostLikelyIdentifierAndReliability(a),
out2 = lowlevel2->getmostLikelyIdentifierAndReliability((int)21 - a);
std::cout << "s1: " << out1 << "\ns2:" << out2 << "\n";
std::vector<std::tuple<rosa::id_t, StateType, ReliabilityType>> tmp2;
tmp2.push_back({0, out1.Identifier, out1.Reliability});
tmp2.push_back({1, out2.Identifier, out2.Reliability});
auto out_o = highlevel->operator()(tmp2);
std::cout << "it: " << a << "\t rel: " << out_o.CrossReliability << "\n";
std::cout << "\t subs:\n";
for (auto q : out_o.CrossConfidence) {
std::cout << "\t\t id:" << q.first << "\n";
for(auto z: q.second)
std::cout << "\t\t\t Identifier: " << z.Identifier << "\tRel: " << z.Reliability
<< "\n"; tmp.push_back({z.Identifier,z.Reliability});
for (auto z : q.second) {
std::cout << "\t\t\t Identifier: " << z.Identifier << "\tRel: " << z.Reliability
<< "\n";
if (q.first == 0)
/* ----------------------------- Cleanup
* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
delete highlevel;
delete lowlevel;
delete lowlevel2;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/include/rosa/agent/CrossCombinator.h b/include/rosa/agent/CrossCombinator.h
index f54a2e1..eef7c1c 100644
--- a/include/rosa/agent/CrossCombinator.h
+++ b/include/rosa/agent/CrossCombinator.h
@@ -1,554 +1,551 @@
//===-- rosa/delux/CrossReliability.h ---------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The RoSA Framework
/// \file rosa/delux/CrossReliability.h
/// \author Daniel Schnoell
/// \date 2019
/// \brief
/// \todo there is 1 exception that needs to be handled correctly.
/// \note the default search function is extremely slow maybe this could be done
/// via template for storage class and the functions/methods to efficiently find
/// the correct LinearFunction
#include "rosa/agent/Abstraction.hpp"
#include "rosa/agent/Functionality.h"
#include "rosa/agent/ReliabilityConfidenceCombinator.h"
#include "rosa/core/forward_declarations.h" // needed for id_t
#include "rosa/support/log.h" // needed for error "handling"
// nedded headers
#include <string>
#include <type_traits> //assert
#include <vector>
// for static methods
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
namespace rosa {
namespace agent {
template <typename id, typename IdentifierType, typename ReliabilityType>
std::vector<std::pair<id_t, IdentifierType>> &operator<<(
std::vector<std::pair<id_t, IdentifierType>> &me,
std::vector<std::tuple<id, IdentifierType, ReliabilityType>> Values) {
for (auto tmp : Values) {
std::pair<id, IdentifierType> tmp2;
tmp2.first = std::get<0>(tmp);
tmp2.second = std::get<1>(tmp);
return me;
/// This is the Combinator class for cross reliabilities it has many functions
/// with different purposes
/// \brief It takes the Identifiers and reliabilities of all given ids and
/// calculates the Reliability of them together. Also it can creates the
/// feedback that is needed by the \c ReliabilityAndConfidenceCombinator, which
/// is a kind of confidence.
/// \tparam IdentifierType Datatype of the Identifier ( Typically double or
/// float) \tparam ReliabilityType Datatype of the Reliability ( Typically
/// long or int)
/// \note This class is commonly in a master slave relationship as master with
/// \c ReliabilityAndConfidenceCombinator. The \c operator()() combines the
/// Reliability of all connected Slaves and uses that as its own Reliability
/// also creates the feedback for the Slaves.
/// \note more information about how the Reliability and feedback is
/// created at \c operator()() , \c getCombinedCrossReliability() , \c
/// getCombinedInputReliability() , \c getOutputReliability() [ this is the
/// commonly used Reliability ], \c getCrossConfidence() [ this is the feedback
/// for all Slaves ]
/// a bit more special Methods \c CrossConfidence() ,\c CrossReliability()
template <typename IdentifierType, typename ReliabilityType>
class CrossCombinator {
"HighLevel: IdentifierType has to be an arithmetic type\n");
"HighLevel: ReliabilityType has to be an arithmetic type\n");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// useful definitions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// typedef To shorten the writing.
/// \c ConfOrRel
using ConfOrRel = ConfOrRel<IdentifierType, ReliabilityType>;
/// To shorten the writing.
using Abstraction =
typename rosa::agent::Abstraction<IdentifierType, ReliabilityType>;
/// The return type for the \c operator()() Method
struct returnType {
ReliabilityType CrossReliability;
std::map<id_t, std::vector<ConfOrRel>> CrossConfidence;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Relevant Methods
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Calculates the Reliability and the CrossConfidences for each id for all
/// of there Identifiers.
/// \param Values It gets the Identifiers and Reliabilities of
/// all connected Slaves inside a vector.
/// \return it returns a struct \c returnType containing the \c
/// getCombinedCrossReliability() and \c getCrossConfidence()
returnType operator()(
std::vector<std::tuple<id_t, IdentifierType, ReliabilityType>> Values) {
return {getOutputReliability(Values), getCrossConfidence(Values)};
/// returns the combined via \c CombinedCrossRelCombinationMethod \c
/// setCombinedCrossRelCombinationMethod() Cross Reliability for all ids \c
/// CrossReliability() \param Values the used Values
ReliabilityType getCombinedCrossReliability(
std::vector<std::tuple<id_t, IdentifierType, ReliabilityType>> Values) {
ReliabilityType combinedCrossRel = -1;
std::vector<std::pair<id_t, IdentifierType>> Agents;
Agents << Values;
for (auto Value : Values) {
id_t id = std::get<0>(Value);
IdentifierType sc = std::get<1>(Value);
// calculate the cross reliability for this slave agent
ReliabilityType realCrossReliabilityOfSlaveAgent =
CrossReliability({id, sc}, Agents);
if (combinedCrossRel != -1)
combinedCrossRel = CombinedCrossRelCombinationMethod(
combinedCrossRel, realCrossReliabilityOfSlaveAgent);
combinedCrossRel = realCrossReliabilityOfSlaveAgent;
return combinedCrossRel;
/// returns the combined via \c CombinedInputRelCombinationMethod \c
/// setCombinedInputRelCombinationMethod() input relibility \param Values the
/// used Values
ReliabilityType getCombinedInputReliability(
std::vector<std::tuple<id_t, IdentifierType, ReliabilityType>> Values) {
ReliabilityType combinedInputRel = -1;
std::vector<std::pair<id_t, IdentifierType>> Agents;
Agents << Values;
for (auto Value : Values) {
ReliabilityType rel = std::get<2>(Value);
if (combinedInputRel != -1)
combinedInputRel =
CombinedInputRelCombinationMethod(combinedInputRel, rel);
combinedInputRel = rel;
return combinedInputRel;
/// returns the combination via \c OutputReliabilityCombinationMethod \c
/// setOutputReliabilityCombinationMethod() of the Cross reliability and
/// input reliability \param Values the used Values
ReliabilityType getOutputReliability(
std::vector<std::tuple<id_t, IdentifierType, ReliabilityType>> Values) {
return OutputReliabilityCombinationMethod(
/// retruns the crossConfidence for all ids \c CrossConfidence()
/// \param Values the used Values
std::map<id_t, std::vector<ConfOrRel>> getCrossConfidence(
std::vector<std::tuple<id_t, IdentifierType, ReliabilityType>> Values) {
std::vector<std::pair<id_t, IdentifierType>> Agents;
std::map<id_t, std::vector<ConfOrRel>> output;
std::vector<ConfOrRel> output_temporary;
Agents << Values;
for (auto Value : Values) {
id_t id = std::get<0>(Value);
for (IdentifierType thoIdentifier : Identifiers[id]) {
ConfOrRel data;
data.Identifier = thoIdentifier;
data.Reliability = CrossConfidence(id, thoIdentifier, Agents);
output.insert({id, output_temporary});
return output;
/// Calculates the Cross Confidence
/// \brief it uses the Identifier value and calculates
/// the Confidence of a given agent( represented by there id ) for a given
/// Identifiers in connection to all other given agents
/// \note all combination of agents and there corresponding Cross Reliability
/// function have to be specified
CrossConfidence(id_t MainAgent, IdentifierType TheoreticalValue,
std::vector<std::pair<id_t, IdentifierType>> &SlaveAgents) {
ReliabilityType crossReliabiability;
std::vector<ReliabilityType> values;
for (std::pair<id_t, IdentifierType> SlaveAgent : SlaveAgents) {
if (SlaveAgent.first == MainAgent)
if (TheoreticalValue == SlaveAgent.second)
crossReliabiability = 1;
crossReliabiability =
1 / (crossReliabilityParameter *
AbsuluteValue(TheoreticalValue, SlaveAgent.second));
// profile reliability
ReliabilityType crossReliabilityFromProfile =
MainAgent, SlaveAgent.first,
AbsuluteValue(TheoreticalValue, SlaveAgent.second));
std::max(crossReliabiability, crossReliabilityFromProfile));
return Method(values);
/// Calculates the Cross Reliability
/// \brief it uses the Identifier value and calculates
/// the Reliability of a given agent( represented by there id ) in connection
/// to all other given agents
/// \note all combination of agents and there corresponding Cross Reliability
/// function have to be specified
CrossReliability(std::pair<id_t, IdentifierType> &&MainAgent,
std::vector<std::pair<id_t, IdentifierType>> &SlaveAgents) {
ReliabilityType crossReliabiability;
std::vector<ReliabilityType> values;
for (std::pair<id_t, IdentifierType> SlaveAgent : SlaveAgents) {
if (SlaveAgent.first == MainAgent.first)
if (MainAgent.second == SlaveAgent.second)
crossReliabiability = 1;
crossReliabiability =
1 / (crossReliabilityParameter *
AbsuluteValue(MainAgent.second, SlaveAgent.second));
// profile reliability
ReliabilityType crossReliabilityFromProfile =
MainAgent.first, SlaveAgent.first,
AbsuluteValue(MainAgent.second, SlaveAgent.second));
std::max(crossReliabiability, crossReliabilityFromProfile));
return Method(values);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Defining the class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// adds a Cross Reliability Profile used to get the Reliability of the
/// Identifier difference
/// \param idA The id of the one \c Agent ( idealy the id of \c Unit to make
/// it absolutly unique )
/// \param idB The id of the other \c Agent
- /// \param Function A unique pointer to an \c Abstraction it would use the
+ /// \param Function A shared pointer to an \c Abstraction it would use the
/// difference in Identifier for its input
void addCrossReliabilityProfile(id_t idA, id_t idB,
- std::unique_ptr<Abstraction> &Function) {
- Abstraction *ptr = Function.release();
- Functions.push_back({true, idA, idB, ptr});
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction> &Function) {
+ Functions.push_back({true, idA, idB, Function});
/// sets the cross reliability parameter
void setCrossReliabilityParameter(ReliabilityType val) {
crossReliabilityParameter = val;
/// This is the adder for the Identifiers
/// \param id The id of the Agent of the Identifiers
/// \param Identifiers id specific Identifiers. this will be copied So that if
/// Slaves have different Identifiers they can be used correctly. \brief The
/// Identifiers of all connected lowlevel Agents has to be known to be able to
/// iterate over them
void addIdentifiers(id_t id, std::vector<IdentifierType> Identifiers) {
this->Identifiers.insert({id, Identifiers});
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Combinator Settings
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// sets the used method to combine the values
/// \param Meth The Function which defines the combination method. predef: \c
void setCrossReliabilityCombinatorMethod(
std::function<ReliabilityType(std::vector<ReliabilityType> values)>
Meth) {
Method = Meth;
/// sets the combination method for the combined cross reliability
/// \param Meth the method which should be used. predef: \c
/// CombinedCrossRelCombinationMethodMin() \c
/// CombinedCrossRelCombinationMethodMax() \c
/// CombinedCrossRelCombinationMethodMult() \c
/// CombinedCrossRelCombinationMethodAverage()
void setCombinedCrossRelCombinationMethod(
std::function<ReliabilityType(ReliabilityType, ReliabilityType)> Meth) {
CombinedCrossRelCombinationMethod = Meth;
/// sets the combined input rel method
/// \param Meth the method which should be used predef: \c
/// CombinedInputRelCombinationMethodMin() \c
/// CombinedInputRelCombinationMethodMax() \c
/// CombinedInputRelCombinationMethodMult() \c
/// CombinedInputRelCombinationMethodAverage()
void setCombinedInputRelCombinationMethod(
std::function<ReliabilityType(ReliabilityType, ReliabilityType)> Meth) {
CombinedInputRelCombinationMethod = Meth;
/// sets the used OutputReliabilityCombinationMethod
/// \param Meth the used Method. predef: \c
/// OutputReliabilityCombinationMethodMin() \c
/// OutputReliabilityCombinationMethodMax() \c
/// OutputReliabilityCombinationMethodMult() \c
/// OutputReliabilityCombinationMethodAverage()
void setOutputReliabilityCombinationMethod(
std::function<ReliabilityType(ReliabilityType, ReliabilityType)> Meth) {
OutputReliabilityCombinationMethod = Meth;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Predefined Functions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// predefined combination method
struct predefinedMethods {
static ReliabilityType CONJUNCTION(std::vector<ReliabilityType> values) {
return *std::min_element(values.begin(), values.end());
/// predefined combination method
static ReliabilityType AVERAGE(std::vector<ReliabilityType> values) {
return std::accumulate(values.begin(), values.end(), 0.0) / values.size();
/// predefined combination method
static ReliabilityType DISJUNCTION(std::vector<ReliabilityType> values) {
return *std::max_element(values.begin(), values.end());
/// predefined combination Method
static ReliabilityType
CombinedCrossRelCombinationMethodMin(ReliabilityType A, ReliabilityType B) {
return std::min(A, B);
/// predefined combination Method
static ReliabilityType
CombinedCrossRelCombinationMethodMax(ReliabilityType A, ReliabilityType B) {
return std::max(A, B);
/// predefined combination Method
static ReliabilityType
CombinedCrossRelCombinationMethodMult(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return A * B;
/// predefined combination Method
static ReliabilityType
CombinedCrossRelCombinationMethodAverage(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return (A + B) / 2;
/// predefined combination Method
static ReliabilityType
CombinedInputRelCombinationMethodMin(ReliabilityType A, ReliabilityType B) {
return std::min(A, B);
/// predefined combination Method
static ReliabilityType
CombinedInputRelCombinationMethodMax(ReliabilityType A, ReliabilityType B) {
return std::max(A, B);
/// predefined combination Method
static ReliabilityType
CombinedInputRelCombinationMethodMult(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return A * B;
/// predefined combination Method
static ReliabilityType
CombinedInputRelCombinationMethodAverage(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return (A + B) / 2;
/// predefined combination method
static ReliabilityType
OutputReliabilityCombinationMethodMin(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return std::min(A, B);
/// predefined combination method
static ReliabilityType
OutputReliabilityCombinationMethodMax(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return std::max(A, B);
/// predefined combination method
static ReliabilityType
OutputReliabilityCombinationMethodMult(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return A * B;
/// predefined combination method
static ReliabilityType
OutputReliabilityCombinationMethodAverage(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return (A + B) / 2;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cleanup
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
~CrossCombinator() {
- for (auto tmp : Functions)
- delete tmp.Funct;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Needed stuff and stored stuff
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct Functionblock {
bool exists = false;
id_t A;
id_t B;
- Abstraction *Funct;
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction> Funct;
std::map<id_t, std::vector<IdentifierType>> Identifiers;
/// From Maxi in his code defined as 1 can be changed by set
ReliabilityType crossReliabilityParameter = 1;
/// Stored Cross Reliability Functions
std::vector<Functionblock> Functions;
/// Method which is used to combine the generated values
std::function<ReliabilityType(std::vector<ReliabilityType>)> Method =
std::function<ReliabilityType(ReliabilityType, ReliabilityType)>
CombinedCrossRelCombinationMethod =
std::function<ReliabilityType(ReliabilityType, ReliabilityType)>
CombinedInputRelCombinationMethod =
std::function<ReliabilityType(ReliabilityType, ReliabilityType)>
OutputReliabilityCombinationMethod =
// helper function
/// evaluates the absolute Value of two values
/// \note this is actually the absolute distance but to keep it somewhat
/// conform with maxis code
template <typename Type_t> Type_t AbsuluteValue(Type_t A, Type_t B) {
return ((A - B) < 0) ? B - A : A - B;
/// very inefficient searchFunction
Functionblock (*searchFunction)(std::vector<Functionblock> vect,
const id_t nameA, const id_t nameB) =
[](std::vector<Functionblock> vect, const id_t nameA,
const id_t nameB) -> Functionblock {
for (Functionblock tmp : vect) {
if (tmp.A == nameA && tmp.B == nameB)
return tmp;
if (tmp.A == nameB && tmp.B == nameA)
return tmp;
return Functionblock();
/// evaluates the corresponding LinearFunction with the Identifier difference
/// \param nameA these two parameters are the unique identifiers
/// \param nameB these two parameters are the unique identifiers
/// for the LinerFunction
/// \note it doesn't matter if they are swapped
getCrossReliabilityFromProfile(id_t nameA, id_t nameB,
IdentifierType IdentifierDifference) {
Functionblock block = searchFunction(Functions, nameA, nameB);
if (!block.exists) {
LOG_ERROR(("CrossReliability: Block:" + std::to_string(nameA) + "," +
std::to_string(nameB) + "doesn't exist returning 0"));
return 0;
return block.Funct->operator()(IdentifierDifference);
} // End namespace agent
} // End namespace rosa
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/include/rosa/agent/ReliabilityConfidenceCombinator.h b/include/rosa/agent/ReliabilityConfidenceCombinator.h
index 53b16cb..e4f4384 100644
--- a/include/rosa/agent/ReliabilityConfidenceCombinator.h
+++ b/include/rosa/agent/ReliabilityConfidenceCombinator.h
@@ -1,743 +1,743 @@
//===-- rosa/agent/ReliabilityConfidenceCombinator.h ------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The RoSA Framework
/// \file rosa/agent/ReliabilityConfidenceCombinator.h
/// \author Daniel Schnoell (
/// \date 2019
/// \brief Definition of *ReliabilityConfidenceCombinator* *functionality*.
/// \note based on Maximilian Goetzinger ( code in
/// CAM_Dirty_include SA-EWS2_Version... inside Agent.cpp
/// \note By defining and setting Reliability_trace_level it is possible to
/// change the level to which it should be traced. \note All classes throw
/// runtime errors if not all things are set
/// \note should the Reliability be capped?
#ifndef ROSA_AGENT_ReliabilityConfidenceCombinator_H
#define ROSA_AGENT_ReliabilityConfidenceCombinator_H
#include "rosa/core/forward_declarations.h" // needed for id_t
#include "rosa/support/log.h"
#include "rosa/agent/FunctionAbstractions.hpp"
#include "rosa/agent/Functionality.h"
#include "rosa/agent/RangeConfidence.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
/// 0 everything
/// 1 vectors
/// 2 outputs
#define trace_everything 0
#define trace_vectors 1
#define trace_outputs 2
#ifndef Reliability_trace_level
#define Reliability_trace_level 0
#define trace_end "\n\n\n"
namespace rosa {
namespace agent {
/// This is a struct with a few methods that make Reliability Combinator
/// more readable \tparam IdentifierType The datatype of the States \tparam
/// ReliabilityType The datatype of the Reliability
template <typename IdentifierType, typename ReliabilityType> struct ConfOrRel {
/// making both Template Arguments readable to make a few things easier
using _IdentifierType = IdentifierType;
/// making both Template Arguments readable to make a few things easier
using _ReliabilityType = ReliabilityType;
/// The actual place where the data is stored
IdentifierType Identifier;
/// The actual place where the data is stored
ReliabilityType Reliability;
ConfOrRel(IdentifierType _Identifier, ReliabilityType _Reliability)
: Identifier(_Identifier), Reliability(_Reliability){};
/// Pushes the Data in a Human readable form
/// \param out The stream where it is written to
/// \param c The struct itself
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const ConfOrRel &c) {
out << "Identifier: " << c.Identifier << "\t Reliability: " << c.Reliability
<< " ";
return out;
/// needed or it throws an clang diagnosic error
using map =
std::map<IdentifierType, ReliabilityType>; // needed or it throws an
// clang diagnosic error
/// Filles the vector with the data inside the map
/// \param me The vector to be filled
/// \param data The data wich is to be pushed into the vector
friend std::vector<ConfOrRel> &operator<<(std::vector<ConfOrRel> &me,
map &&data) {
for (auto tmp : data) {
me.push_back(ConfOrRel(tmp.first, tmp.second));
#if Reliability_trace_level <= trace_everything
LOG_TRACE_STREAM << "\n" << ConfOrRel(tmp.first, tmp.second) << trace_end;
return me;
/// This is to push the data inside a vector in a human readable way into the
/// ostream \param out The ostream \param c The vector which is read
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out,
const std::vector<ConfOrRel> &c) {
std::size_t index = 0;
for (ConfOrRel data : c) {
out << index << " : " << data << "\n";
return out;
/// This is the combinator for Reliability and confidences it takes the
/// Sensor value, its "History" and feedback from \c
/// CrossCombinator to calculate different Reliabilities.
/// \tparam SensorValueType Datatype of the Sensor value ( Typically
/// double or float) \tparam IdentifierType Datatype of the State ( Typically
/// long or int)
/// \tparam ReliabilityType Datatype of the Reliability (
/// Typically double or float)
/// \note more information about how it calculates
/// the Reliabilities it should be considered feedback is a sort of Confidence
/// \verbatim
/// ->Reliability---> getInputReliability()
/// | |
/// | V
/// Sensor Value ---| PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethod -> next line
/// | A |
/// | | V
/// ->Confidence--- getPossibleIdentifiers()
/// feedback
/// |
/// V
/// ValuesFromMaster
/// | -> History ---|
/// V | V
/// here -> FeedbackCombinatorMethod --------> HistoryCombinatorMethod->nextline
/// | |
/// V V
/// getpossibleIdentifiersWithMasterFeedback()getPossibleIdentifiersWithHistory()
/// here -> sort -> most likely -> getmostLikelyIdentifierAndReliability()
/// \endverbatim
/// the mentioned methods are early outs so if two ore more of them are run in
/// the same step they will be interpreted as different time steps
/// <pre>
/// Default values for Combinators:
/// InputReliabilityCombinator = combinationMin;
/// PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethod=PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethodMin;
/// FeedbackCombinatorMethod = FeedbackCombinatorMethodAverage;
/// HistoryCombinatorMethod = HistoryCombinatorMethodMax;
/// </pre>
/// To understand the place where the combinator methods come into play a list
/// for each getter which Methods are used.
/// <pre>
/// \c getInputReliability():
/// -InputReliabilityCombinator
/// \c getPossibleIdentifiers():
/// -InputReliabilityCombinator
/// -PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethod
/// \c getpossibleIdentifiersWithMasterFeedback():
/// -InputReliabilityCombinator
/// -PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethod
/// -FeedbackCombinatorMethod
/// \c getPossibleIdentifiersWithHistory():
/// -InputReliabilityCombinator
/// -PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethod
/// -FeedbackCombinatorMethod
/// -HistoryCombinatorMethod
/// \c getmostLikelyIdentifierAndReliability():
/// -InputReliabilityCombinator
/// -PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethod
/// -FeedbackCombinatorMethod
/// -HistoryCombinatorMethod
/// </pre>
template <typename SensorValueType, typename IdentifierType,
typename ReliabilityType>
class ReliabilityAndConfidenceCombinator {
"LowLevel: SensorValueType has to an arithmetic type\n");
"LowLevel: IdentifierType has to an arithmetic type\n");
"LowLevel: ReliabilityType has to an arithmetic type\n");
/// Typedef to shorten the writing.
/// \c ConfOrRel
using ConfOrRel = ConfOrRel<IdentifierType, ReliabilityType>;
/// Calculates the input reliability by combining Reliability of the Sensor
/// and the Slope Reliability \param SensorValue The sensor Value \note to set
/// the combination method \c setInputReliabilityCombinator()
ReliabilityType getInputReliability(SensorValueType SensorValue) {
ReliabilityType inputReliability =
getReliability(SensorValue, previousSensorValue, valueSetCounter);
previousSensorValue = SensorValue;
PreviousSensorValueExists = true;
return inputReliability;
/// Calculates the possible Identifiers
/// \param SensorValue the Sensor Value
/// \brief it combines the input reliability and the confidence of the Sensor.
/// The use combination method can be set using \c
/// setPossibleIdentifierCombinationMethod()
std::vector<ConfOrRel> getPossibleIdentifiers(SensorValueType SensorValue) {
std::vector<ConfOrRel> possibleIdentifiers;
ReliabilityType inputReliability = getInputReliability(SensorValue);
#if Reliability_trace_level <= trace_vectors
LOG_TRACE_STREAM << "\ninput Rel: " << inputReliability << trace_end;
possibleIdentifiers << Confidence->operator()(SensorValue);
possibleIdentifiers = PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethod(
possibleIdentifiers, inputReliability);
return possibleIdentifiers;
/// return the Possible Values with the feedback in mind
/// \param SensorValue The sensor Value
/// \brief it combines the input reliability and the confidence of the Sensor.
/// The combines them with FeedbackCombinatorMethod and returns the result.
getpossibleIdentifiersWithMasterFeedback(SensorValueType SensorValue) {
std::vector<ConfOrRel> possibleIdentifiers;
ReliabilityType inputReliability = getInputReliability(SensorValue);
#if Reliability_trace_level <= trace_vectors
LOG_TRACE_STREAM << "\ninput Rel: " << inputReliability << trace_end;
possibleIdentifiers << Confidence->operator()(SensorValue);
possibleIdentifiers = PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethod(
possibleIdentifiers, inputReliability);
possibleIdentifiers =
FeedbackCombinatorMethod(possibleIdentifiers, ValuesFromMaster);
return possibleIdentifiers;
/// returns all possible Identifiers and Reliabilities with the History in
/// mind \param SensorValue the Sensor value how this is done is described at
/// the class.
getPossibleIdentifiersWithHistory(SensorValueType SensorValue) {
std::vector<ConfOrRel> ActuallPossibleIdentifiers;
std::vector<ConfOrRel> possibleIdentifiers;
ReliabilityType inputReliability = getInputReliability(SensorValue);
#if Reliability_trace_level <= trace_vectors
LOG_TRACE_STREAM << "\ninput Rel: " << inputReliability << trace_end;
possibleIdentifiers << Confidence->operator()(SensorValue);
possibleIdentifiers = PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethod(
possibleIdentifiers, inputReliability);
possibleIdentifiers =
FeedbackCombinatorMethod(possibleIdentifiers, ValuesFromMaster);
#if Reliability_trace_level <= trace_vectors
LOG_TRACE_STREAM << "\nActuallPossibleIdentifiers:\n"
<< possibleIdentifiers << trace_end;
LOG_TRACE_STREAM << "\npossibleIdentifiers:\n"
<< possibleIdentifiers << trace_end;
return getAllPossibleIdentifiersBasedOnHistory();
/// Calculates the Reliability
/// \param SensorValue The current Values of the Sensor
/// \return Reliability and Identifier of the current SensorValue
ConfOrRel getmostLikelyIdentifierAndReliability(SensorValueType SensorValue) {
#if Reliability_trace_level <= trace_outputs
LOG_TRACE_STREAM << "\nTrace level is set to: " << Reliability_trace_level
<< "\n"
<< "Will trace: "
<< ((Reliability_trace_level == trace_outputs)
? "outputs"
: (Reliability_trace_level == trace_vectors)
? "vectors"
: (Reliability_trace_level ==
? "everything"
: "undefined")
<< trace_end;
std::vector<ConfOrRel> ActuallPossibleIdentifiers;
std::vector<ConfOrRel> possibleIdentifiers;
ReliabilityType inputReliability = getInputReliability(SensorValue);
#if Reliability_trace_level <= trace_vectors
LOG_TRACE_STREAM << "\ninput Rel: " << inputReliability << trace_end;
possibleIdentifiers << Confidence->operator()(SensorValue);
possibleIdentifiers = PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethod(
possibleIdentifiers, inputReliability);
possibleIdentifiers =
FeedbackCombinatorMethod(possibleIdentifiers, ValuesFromMaster);
#if Reliability_trace_level <= trace_vectors
LOG_TRACE_STREAM << "\nActuallPossibleIdentifiers:\n"
<< possibleIdentifiers << trace_end;
LOG_TRACE_STREAM << "\npossibleIdentifiers:\n"
<< possibleIdentifiers << trace_end;
possibleIdentifiers = getAllPossibleIdentifiersBasedOnHistory();
std::sort(possibleIdentifiers.begin(), possibleIdentifiers.end(),
[](ConfOrRel A, ConfOrRel B) -> bool {
return A.Reliability > B.Reliability;
#if Reliability_trace_level <= trace_outputs
LOG_TRACE_STREAM << "\noutput lowlevel: " <<
<< trace_end;
/// feedback for this functionality most commonly it comes from a Master Agent
/// \param ValuesFromMaster The Identifiers + Reliability for the feedback
/// \brief This input kind of resembles a confidence but not
/// directly it more or less says: compared to the other Identifiers inside
/// the System these are the Identifiers with the Reliability that you have.
void feedback(std::vector<ConfOrRel> ValuesFromMaster) {
this->ValuesFromMaster = ValuesFromMaster;
// ----------------------Reliability and Confidence Function setters----------
/// This is the setter for Confidence Function
/// \param Confidence A pointer to the Functional for the \c Confidence of the
/// Sensor value
void setConfidenceFunction(
- std::unique_ptr<RangeConfidence<ReliabilityType, IdentifierType,
+ std::shared_ptr<RangeConfidence<ReliabilityType, IdentifierType,
SensorValueType>> &Confidence) {
- this->Confidence = std::move(Confidence);
+ this->Confidence = Confidence;
/// This is the setter for Reliability Function
/// \param Reliability A pointer to the Functional for the Reliability
/// \brief The Reliability takes the current Sensor value and return the
/// Reliability of the value.
void setReliabilityFunction(
- std::unique_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>>
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>>
&Reliability) {
- this->Reliability = std::move(Reliability);
+ this->Reliability = Reliability;
/// This is the setter for ReliabilitySlope Function
/// \param ReliabilitySlope A pointer to the Functional for the
/// ReliabilitySlope
/// \brief The ReliabilitySlope takes the difference of the current Sensor
/// Value to the last one and tells you how likely the change is.
void setReliabilitySlopeFunction(
- std::unique_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>>
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>>
&ReliabilitySlope) {
- this->ReliabilitySlope = std::move(ReliabilitySlope);
+ this->ReliabilitySlope = ReliabilitySlope;
/// This is the setter for TimeConfidence Function
/// \param TimeConfidence A pointer to the Functional for the TimeConfidence
/// \brief The time function takes the position in the History with greater
/// equals older and return a Reliability of how "relevant" it is.
void setTimeConfidenceFunction(
- std::unique_ptr<Abstraction<std::size_t, ReliabilityType>>
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction<std::size_t, ReliabilityType>>
&TimeConfidence) {
- this->TimeConfidence = std::move(TimeConfidence);
+ this->TimeConfidence = TimeConfidence;
/// This is the setter for all possible States
/// \param states A vector containing all states
/// \brief This exists even though \c State Type is an arithmetic Type because
/// the states do not need to be "next" to each other ( ex. states={ 1 7 24 })
void setStates(std::vector<IdentifierType> states) { this->States = states; }
/// This sets the Maximum length of the History
/// \param length The length
void setHistoryLength(std::size_t length) { this->HistoryMaxSize = length; }
/// This sets the Value set Counter
/// \param ValueSetCounter the new Value
/// \note This might actually be only an artifact. It is only used to get the
/// reliability from the \c ReliabilitySlope [ ReliabilitySlope->operator()(
/// (lastValue - actualValue) / (SensorValueType)valueSetCounter) ]
void setValueSetCounter(unsigned int ValueSetCounter) {
this->valueSetCounter = ValueSetCounter;
// ----------------combinator setters-----------------------------------------
/// This sets the combination method used by the History
/// \param Meth the method which should be used. predefined \c
/// HistoryCombinatorMethodMin() \c HistoryCombinatorMethodMax() \c
/// HistoryCombinatorMethodMult() \c HistoryCombinatorMethodAverage()
void setHistoryCombinatorMethod(
std::function<ReliabilityType(ReliabilityType, ReliabilityType)> Meth) {
HistoryCombinatorMethod = Meth;
/// sets the predefined method for the combination of the possible Identifiers
/// and the master \param Meth the method predefined ones are \c
/// FeedbackCombinatorMethodAverage() \c FeedbackCombinatorMethodMin() \c
/// FeedbackCombinatorMethodMax() \c FeedbackCombinatorMethodMult()
void setFeedbackCombinatorMethod(
Meth) {
FeedbackCombinatorMethod = Meth;
/// Sets the used combination method for Possible Identifiers
/// \param Meth a Pointer for the used Method. Predefined methods \c
/// PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethodMin() \c
/// PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethodMax() \c
/// PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethodAverage()
void setPossibleIdentifierCombinationMethod(
Meth) {
PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethod = Meth;
/// sets the input reliability combinator method
/// \param method the to be used method
/// \note there are predefined methods \c combinationMin() \c combinationMax()
/// \c combinationAverage()
void setInputReliabilityCombinator(
std::function<ReliabilityType(ReliabilityType, ReliabilityType)> method) {
InputReliabilityCombinator = method;
// ----------------predefined combinators------------------------------------
struct predefinedMethods {
/// predefined Method
static ReliabilityType HistoryCombinatorMethodMin(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return std::min(A, B);
/// predefined Method
static ReliabilityType HistoryCombinatorMethodMax(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return std::max(A, B);
/// predefined Method
static ReliabilityType HistoryCombinatorMethodMult(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return A * B;
/// predefined Method
static ReliabilityType HistoryCombinatorMethodAverage(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return (A + B) / 2;
/// predefined method
static std::vector<ConfOrRel>
FeedbackCombinatorMethodAverage(std::vector<ConfOrRel> A,
std::vector<ConfOrRel> B) {
for (auto &tmp_me : A)
for (auto &tmp_other : B) {
if (tmp_me.Identifier == tmp_other.Identifier) {
tmp_me.Reliability =
(tmp_me.Reliability + tmp_other.Reliability) / 2;
return A;
/// predefined method
static std::vector<ConfOrRel>
FeedbackCombinatorMethodMin(std::vector<ConfOrRel> A,
std::vector<ConfOrRel> B) {
for (auto &tmp_me : A)
for (auto &tmp_other : B) {
if (tmp_me.Identifier == tmp_other.Identifier) {
tmp_me.Reliability =
std::min(tmp_me.Reliability + tmp_other.Reliability);
return A;
/// predefined method
static std::vector<ConfOrRel>
FeedbackCombinatorMethodMax(std::vector<ConfOrRel> A,
std::vector<ConfOrRel> B) {
for (auto &tmp_me : A)
for (auto &tmp_other : B) {
if (tmp_me.Identifier == tmp_other.Identifier) {
tmp_me.Reliability =
std::max(tmp_me.Reliability + tmp_other.Reliability);
return A;
/// predefined method
static std::vector<ConfOrRel>
FeedbackCombinatorMethodMult(std::vector<ConfOrRel> A,
std::vector<ConfOrRel> B) {
for (auto &tmp_me : A)
for (auto &tmp_other : B) {
if (tmp_me.Identifier == tmp_other.Identifier) {
tmp_me.Reliability = tmp_me.Reliability * tmp_other.Reliability;
return A;
/// Predefined combination method for possible Identifiers
static std::vector<ConfOrRel>
PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethodMin(std::vector<ConfOrRel> A,
ReliabilityType B) {
for (auto tmp : A)
tmp.Reliability = std::min(tmp.Reliability, B);
return A;
/// Predefined combination method for possible Identifiers
static std::vector<ConfOrRel>
PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethodMax(std::vector<ConfOrRel> A,
ReliabilityType B) {
for (auto tmp : A)
tmp.Reliability = std::max(tmp.Reliability, B);
return A;
/// Predefined combination method for possible Identifiers
static std::vector<ConfOrRel>
PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethodAverage(std::vector<ConfOrRel> A,
ReliabilityType B) {
for (auto tmp : A)
tmp.Reliability = (tmp.Reliability + B) / 2;
return A;
/// Predefined combination method for possible Identifiers
static std::vector<ConfOrRel>
PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethodMult(std::vector<ConfOrRel> A,
ReliabilityType B) {
for (auto tmp : A)
tmp.Reliability = tmp.Reliability * B / 2;
return A;
/// The predefined min combinator method
static ReliabilityType combinationMin(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return std::min(A, B);
/// The predefined max combinator method
static ReliabilityType combinationMax(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return std::max(A, B);
/// The predefined average combinator method
static ReliabilityType combinationAverage(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return (A + B) / 2;
/// The predefined average combinator method
static ReliabilityType combinationMult(ReliabilityType A,
ReliabilityType B) {
return A * B;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Stored Values
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
std::vector<std::vector<ConfOrRel>> History;
std::size_t HistoryMaxSize;
std::vector<ConfOrRel> ValuesFromMaster;
SensorValueType previousSensorValue;
unsigned int valueSetCounter;
std::vector<IdentifierType> States;
bool PreviousSensorValueExists = false;
- std::unique_ptr<
+ std::shared_ptr<
RangeConfidence<ReliabilityType, IdentifierType, SensorValueType>>
- std::unique_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>> Reliability;
- std::unique_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>>
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>> Reliability;
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction<SensorValueType, ReliabilityType>>
- std::unique_ptr<Abstraction<std::size_t, ReliabilityType>> TimeConfidence;
+ std::shared_ptr<Abstraction<std::size_t, ReliabilityType>> TimeConfidence;
// combination functions
std::function<ReliabilityType(ReliabilityType, ReliabilityType)>
InputReliabilityCombinator = predefinedMethods::combinationMin;
std::function<std::vector<ConfOrRel>(std::vector<ConfOrRel>, ReliabilityType)>
PossibleIdentifierCombinationMethod =
FeedbackCombinatorMethod =
std::function<ReliabilityType(ReliabilityType, ReliabilityType)>
HistoryCombinatorMethod = predefinedMethods::HistoryCombinatorMethodMax;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// needed Functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// returns the Reliability
/// \param actualValue The Value of the Sensor
/// \param lastValue of the Sensor this is stored in the class
/// \param valueSetCounter It has an effect on the difference of the current
/// and last value This might not be needed anymore
/// \brief it returns the combination the \c Reliability function and \c
/// ReliabilitySlope if the previous value exists. if it doesn't it only
/// returns the \c Reliability function value.
ReliabilityType getReliability(SensorValueType actualValue,
SensorValueType lastValue,
unsigned int valueSetCounter) {
ReliabilityType relAbs = Reliability->operator()(actualValue);
if (PreviousSensorValueExists) {
ReliabilityType relSlo = ReliabilitySlope->operator()(
(lastValue - actualValue) / (SensorValueType)valueSetCounter);
return InputReliabilityCombinator(relAbs, relSlo);
} else
return relAbs;
/// adapts the possible Identifiers by checking the History and combines those
/// values. currently with max
/// \brief combines the historic values with the \c TimeConfidence function
/// and returns the maximum Reliability for all Identifiers.
std::vector<ConfOrRel> getAllPossibleIdentifiersBasedOnHistory() {
// iterate through all history entries
std::size_t posInHistory = 0;
std::vector<ConfOrRel> possibleIdentifiers;
for (auto pShE = History.begin(); pShE < History.end();
pShE++, posInHistory++) {
// iterate through all possible Identifiers of each history entry
for (ConfOrRel &pSh : *pShE) {
IdentifierType historyIdentifier = pSh.Identifier;
ReliabilityType historyConf = pSh.Reliability;
historyConf = historyConf * TimeConfidence->operator()(posInHistory);
bool foundIdentifier = false;
for (ConfOrRel &pS : possibleIdentifiers) {
if (pS.Identifier == historyIdentifier) {
pS.Reliability =
HistoryCombinatorMethod(pS.Reliability, historyConf);
foundIdentifier = true;
if (foundIdentifier == false) {
ConfOrRel possibleIdentifier;
possibleIdentifier.Identifier = historyIdentifier;
possibleIdentifier.Reliability = historyConf;
return possibleIdentifiers;
/// saves the Identifiers in the History
/// \brief It checks the incoming Identifiers if any have a Reliability
/// greater than 0.5 all of them get saved inside the History and then the
/// History get shortened to the maximal length. It only saves the Value if
/// the History is empty.
/// \param actualPossibleIdentifiers The Identifiers which should be saved
/// \note Does the History really make sense if the values are to small it
/// only stores something if it's empty and not if it isn't completely filled
void saveInHistory(std::vector<ConfOrRel> actualPossibleIdentifiers) {
// check if the reliability of at least one possible Identifier is high
// enough
bool atLeastOneRelIsHigh = false;
for (ConfOrRel pS : actualPossibleIdentifiers) {
if (pS.Reliability > 0.5) {
atLeastOneRelIsHigh = true;
// save possible Identifiers if at least one possible Identifier is high
// enough (or if the history is empty)
if (History.size() < 1 || atLeastOneRelIsHigh == true) {
History.insert(History.begin(), actualPossibleIdentifiers);
// if history size is higher than allowed, save oldest element
while (History.size() > HistoryMaxSize) {
// delete possibleIdentifierHistory.back();
} // namespace agent
} // namespace rosa
#endif // !ROSA_AGENT_ReliabilityConfidenceCombinator_H
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