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diff --git a/docs/Dev.rst b/docs/Dev.rst
index 0e4415b..639034a 100755
--- a/docs/Dev.rst
+++ b/docs/Dev.rst
@@ -1,387 +1,387 @@
Developing the RoSA Framework
.. contents::
This document provides information that might be useful for contributing to
RoSA. Please also consult :doc:`Build`.
.. _Dev_Source_Directory:
The Source Directory
The source directory consists of the following subdirectories:
Contains files used for configuring the `CMake Project`_.
Contains `Documentation`_-related files.
Contains `Examples`_ on using the public API.
Contains the RoSA public API -- that is the interface of RoSA `Libraries`_.
The directory `include` is to be used as include directory and RoSA header
files are to be included in C++ sources as `"rosa/"`.
Contains the implementation of the RoSA public API -- that is the
implementation of RoSA `Libraries`_.
Contains `Apps`_ based on RoSA features.
Contains `Tools`_ based on RoSA features.
- Contains third-pary `Modules`_ that are not part of RoSA but used by `Apps`_
+ Contains third-pary modules that are not part of RoSA but used by `Apps`_
Software Sources
The section describes the `Logical Structure`_ of the software sources and what
`Coding Standards`_ are supposed to be followed for the implementation.
Logical Structure
Various features provided by RoSA are sorted into different `Libraries`_.
`Examples`_ , `Apps`_, and `Tools`_ using those `Libraries`_ are separated from
the implementation of the RoSA features into different directories.
`Examples`_ , `Apps`_, and `Tools`_ may also use third-party `Libraries`_,
called `Modules`_.
The framework consists of separate libraries providing different features. The
public interfaces for RoSA libraries are defined in `include/rosa`, while
corresponding implementation is in `lib`. Each library has its own subdirectory
in the mentioned directories.
RoSA provides the following libraries:
Provides information on the configuration used to build the framework, e.g.,
version number, log level, assertions, and debugging.
Provides general features -- template metaprograms dealing with types, for
instance -- for implementing other libraries.
Provides the basic RoSA features, like systems managing agents passing
Provides features to be used for implementing agents.
Provides a somewhat more modular interface for defining systems with RoSA.
.. _Library_Dependencies:
The following table summarizes dependencies among libraries.
A marking in a row denotes that the library in the beginning of the row depends
on the library in the head of the given column.
| | config | support | core | deluxe | agent |
| config | | | | | |
| support | | | | | |
| core | | × | | | |
| deluxe | | | × | | |
| agent | | | | | |
Some simple samples are provided in `examples` to demonstrate how to to use
different parts of the RoSA API.
Apps, actual applications based on the RoSA libraries, are implemented in
Tools, programs based on the RoSA libraries and providing standalone
functionalities, are implemented in `tools`.
This directory contains third-party modules that can be used inside RoSA. These
* cxxopts:
Example usage can be seen in modules/cxxopts/src/example.cpp
.. _Coding_Standards:
Coding Standards
RoSA is implemented in standard *C++17* code. All the software sources are to
be written in accordance to the `LLVM Coding Standards`_.
.. _nortti-noexceptions:
Feature Restrictions
Pay attention `not to use RTTI and Exceptions`_. Those features are disabled in
the CMake project.
Documentation Comments
It is important to remember to document source code using `doxygen comments`_
as `API Documentation`_ is generated directly from sources.
Note that the syntax of documentation comments is checked during compilation --
at least when using a GCC-compatible compiler. Further, check
:ref:`Doxygen warnings <doxygen-warnings>` as issues not being detected by the
compiler may be found when actually generating the documentation.
Whenever you work on a source file, make sure your name is in the author-list
defined in the header comment of the file. Each author should be defined with a
separate `\\author` command so that recent authors come first. Authors not
participating in further development of a file anymore may be marked with the
period of their contribution.
If declarations belonging to a namespace are spread to more than one source
files, document the namespace in a separate `namespace.h` in the directory
belonging to the library. Otherwise, document the namespace in the only file in
which entities of the namespace are declared.
Header Files
Follow the recommendations on public and private header files and the usage of
`#include` from the `LLVM Coding Standards`_.
Use `.h` and `.hpp` extensions to indicate the content of the header file:
* header files containing any *definition* -- template or inline definition --
or including another header file with `.hpp` extension have `.hpp` extension;
* header files containing only *declarations* and including only header files
with `.h` extension have `.h` extension.
It may happen that a header file does not need any corresponding implementation
in a `.cpp` file. Nevertheless, do create a corresponding `.cpp` file which only
includes the header file in this case. That makes sure that the header file is
compiled and hence checked for errors, and also a corresponding entry in the
compilation database is generated.
Checking and Enforcing the Coding Standards
The tools `clang-tidy <>`_ and
`clang-format <>`_ can be used to
check and enforce the coding standards. The two tools are integrated into the
CMake project, refer to CMake variables
:ref:`ROSA_ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY <CMake_clang_tidy>` and
:ref:`ROSA_INCLUDE_CLANG_FORMAT <CMake_clang_format>`.
Note that there may be situations when `clang-tidy` checks result in false
positives -- for example, for some cases of the order of `#include` directives.
One can order `clang-tidy` to suppress warnings for a line of code by marking
that line with::
It may be preferred to diverge from the standard formatting -- for example for
the sake of readability of static definition of arrays following some
structure. One can disable `clang-format` for some lines of code by designating
a range with two special comments as::
// clang-format off
... clang-format is disabled here ...
// clang-format on
The RoSA Framework is delivered with two kinds of documentation: `General
Documentation`_ and `API Documentation`_, generation of both of which is
integrated into the CMake project.
References between the two documentations are relative addresses corresponding
to the directory structure of the
:ref:`generated documentation <Build_Result_Documentation>`.
General Documentation
General documentation is written as
`reStructuredText <>`_ compiled with
`Sphinx <>`_. For build integration, refer to the
CMake variable :ref:`ROSA_ENABLE_SPHINX <CMake_sphinx>`.
Documentation files are located in `docs` with extension `.rst`. The main
page of the documentation is `docs/index.rst`. Configuration for building the
documentation is `docs/`.
The directory `docs/CommandGuide` contains documentation for each separate
tool. Those pages are included in the HTML documentation via
`docs/CommandGuide/index.rst`. Moreover, man pages can be generated from those
tool documentation pages.
API Documentation
API documentation is directly generated from sources with
`Doxygen <>`_. For build integration, refer to the CMake
variable :ref:`ROSA_ENABLE_DOXYGEN <CMake_doxygen>`.
The main page used for the API documentation is `docs/doxygen-mainpage.dox`.
Configuration for generating the API documentation is `docs/`.
.. _CMake Project:
Managing the CMake Project
This section briefly summarizes when and how to modify CMake files during
the development process. No general discussion on CMake features is provided
When modifying `Documentation`_, no need to update the CMake files.
One needs to modify the CMake files only if source files are to be added or
removed from the project. Here follows some typical scenarios.
Source Files
Each library and executable target has its own directory and its own definition
as a file called `CMakeLists.txt` in that directory.
When adding or removing a source file -- both headers and `.cpp` files -- to a
library or executable, locate the corresponding `CMakeLists.txt` file. The file
is typically in the same directory where the file to be added or removed is
located. Except for header files of the public API, for which the corresponding
CMake target is defined in a `lib` subdirectory corresponding to the library the
header files belongs to.
Update the source list in the argument of the `add_library` or `add_executable`
command in the `CMakeLists.txt`, for libraries and executables, respectively.
A library and executable may use features provided by another library. Such a
dependency is to be defined in the `CMakeLists.txt` file of the dependent
target by using the `ROSA_add_library_dependencies` command.
CMake Libraries
When adding or removing a library, add or remove the corresponding directories
from `include` and `lib`. If you have already had generated a build project
with CMake, `touch` [#]_ `lib/CMakeLists.txt` to make CMake rescan subdirectories on next build.
When defining a new library, the new subdirectory under `lib` needs to contain a
`CMakeLists.txt`, which needs to contain at least an `add_library` command
defining the name of the library and the source files belonging to it.
CMake Executables
When adding or removing an executable, add or remove the corresponding
directory from `apps`, `examples`, or `tools`. If you have already had
generated a build project with CMake, `touch` `CMakeLists.txt` in the
containing directory (like in the case of libraries) to make CMake rescan
subdirectories on next build.
When defining a new executable, the new subdirectory needs to contain a
`CMakeLists.txt`, which needs to contain at least an `add_executable` command
defining the name of the executable and the source files belonging to it.
.. _Dev Managing Sources:
Managing Sources
Consider the followings before committing changes to the repository:
* your code complies with the `Coding Standards`_ as much as possible;
* your code is well documented;
* your code is not bloated with unusued code and/or comments;
* your changes do not break building and executing the framework:
* test all of the supported platforms if possible,
* look into the generated documentation if you have edited
`General Documentation`_;
* you do not pollute the repository with unused and generated files.
When committing changes to the repository, provide a concise log message with
your commit.
Miscellaneous Concerns
Using YCM
If you happen to use `YCM <>`_, just
make a copy of the provided `` file as
`` in the RoSA source directory, and set the following two
variables in it:
the absolute path of your build directory
any system include directory which might not be searched by `libclang` [#]_.
You probably want compile with Clang if you use YCM, so run CMake with
environment variables `CC=clang` and `CXX=clang++` set.
Also note that header files in the `include` directory are compiled for YCM with
the compiler flags of a corresponding source file in the `lib` directory, if
any. Header files in other locations are supposed to have a corresponding source
file in the same directory.
* If the project's include directory (`include/rosa`) would ever be changed,
then the YCM configuration file needs to be adjusted accordingly.
.. rubric:: Footnotes
.. [#] Set the last modified time of the file to the current time.
.. [#] See:; use the
following command to figure out the used system directories:
echo | clang -std=c++11 -v -E -x c++ -
.. _`LLVM Coding Standards`:
.. _`not to use RTTI and Exceptions`:
.. _`doxygen comments`:
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