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diff --git a/apps/ccam/statehandlerutils.h b/apps/ccam/statehandlerutils.h
index 3542842..332c996 100644
--- a/apps/ccam/statehandlerutils.h
+++ b/apps/ccam/statehandlerutils.h
@@ -1,229 +1,229 @@
#include "rosa/agent/Abstraction.hpp"
#include "rosa/agent/Confidence.hpp"
#include "rosa/agent/FunctionAbstractions.hpp"
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "rosa/config/version.h"
#include "rosa/agent/SignalStateDetector.hpp"
#include "rosa/agent/SystemStateDetector.hpp"
#include "rosa/app/Application.hpp"
#include "rosa/support/csv/CSVReader.hpp"
#include "rosa/support/csv/CSVWriter.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <streambuf>
using namespace rosa;
using namespace rosa::agent;
using namespace rosa::app;
using namespace rosa::terminal;
// For the convinience to write a shorter data type name
using SignalStateTuple =
AppTuple<float, uint32_t, uint8_t, float, float, float, float, float, float,
- uint8_t, uint32_t, uint8_t>;
+ char, uint32_t, uint8_t>;
AgentHandle createSignalStateDetectorAgent(
std::unique_ptr<Application> &C, const std::string &Name,
SignalStateDetector<float, float, float, HistoryPolicy::FIFO>>
SigSD) {
using Input = std::pair<AppTuple<float>, bool>;
using Result = Optional<SignalStateTuple>;
using Handler = std::function<Result(Input)>;
return C->createAgent(
Name, Handler([&, Name, SigSD](Input I) -> Result {
LOG_INFO_STREAM << "\n******\n"
<< Name << " " << (I.second ? "<New>" : "<Old>")
<< " value: "
<< std::get<0>(
static_cast<std::tuple<float> &>(I.first))
<< "\n******\n";
auto StateInfo = SigSD->detectSignalState(
std::get<0>(static_cast<std::tuple<float> &>(I.first)));
if (I.second) {
SignalStateTuple Res = {
std::get<0>(static_cast<std::tuple<float> &>(I.first)),
(StateInfo.StateIsValid ? 4 : 0) +
(StateInfo.StateJustGotValid ? 2 : 0) +
(StateInfo.StateIsValidAfterReentrance ? 1 : 0))};
return Result(Res);
return Result();
// System State
using SystemStateTuple = AppTuple<std::string>;
template <std::size_t size, typename ret, typename functype, typename... A>
struct Handler_helper;
template <typename B, typename func, typename A, typename... As>
struct function_helper {
static_assert(std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<A, As>...>,
"All types need to be identical");
static B function(A valA, As... valAs) {
std::vector<A> ar({valA, valAs...});
return func()(ar);
template <typename ret, typename typeA, typename functype, typename... B>
struct Handler_helper<0, ret, functype, typeA, B...> {
using handler = function_helper<ret, functype, B...>;
template <std::size_t size, typename ret, typename typeA, typename functype,
typename... B>
struct Handler_helper<size, ret, functype, typeA, B...> {
using handler =
typename Handler_helper<size - 1, ret, functype, typeA,
std::pair<typeA, bool>, B...>::handler;
template <std::size_t size, typename ret, typename functype, typename typeA>
using Handler = typename Handler_helper<size, ret, functype, typeA>::handler;
// TODO: Change it from global to local variable if possible
SystemStateDetector<uint32_t, float, float, HistoryPolicy::FIFO>>
template <typename ret, typename A> struct function {
ret operator()(A a) {
std::vector<SignalStateInformation<float>> SignalStateInfos;
std::stringstream OutString;
for (auto _SignalStateTuple : a) {
// convert tuple to info struct out.push_back({});
OutString << std::get<0>(_SignalStateTuple.first) << ",";
SignalStateInformation<float> Info;
Info.StateID = std::get<1>(_SignalStateTuple.first);
Info.SignalProperty =
Info.ConfidenceOfMatchingState = std::get<3>(_SignalStateTuple.first);
Info.ConfidenceOfMismatchingState = std::get<4>(_SignalStateTuple.first);
Info.ConfidenceStateIsValid = std::get<5>(_SignalStateTuple.first);
Info.ConfidenceStateIsInvalid = std::get<6>(_SignalStateTuple.first);
Info.ConfidenceStateIsStable = std::get<7>(_SignalStateTuple.first);
Info.ConfidenceStateIsDrifting = std::get<8>(_SignalStateTuple.first);
Info.StateCondition =
Info.NumberOfInsertedSamplesAfterEntrance =
Info.StateIsValid = (std::get<11>(_SignalStateTuple.first) & 4) > 0;
Info.StateJustGotValid = (std::get<11>(_SignalStateTuple.first) & 2) > 0;
Info.StateIsValidAfterReentrance =
(std::get<11>(_SignalStateTuple.first) & 1) > 0;
SystemStateInformation<float> SystemStateInfo =
OutString << SystemStateInfo.StateID << ",";
OutString << SystemStateInfo.ConfidenceStateIsValid << ",";
OutString << SystemStateInfo.ConfidenceStateIsInvalid << ",";
OutString << SystemStateInfo.ConfidenceOfInputsMatchingState << ",";
OutString << SystemStateInfo.ConfidenceOfInputsMismatchingState << ",";
OutString << SystemStateInfo.ConfidenceOfOutputsMatchingState << ",";
OutString << SystemStateInfo.ConfidenceOfOutputsMismatchingState << ",";
OutString << SystemStateInfo.StateCondition << ",";
OutString << SystemStateInfo.ConfidenceSystemIsFunctioning << ",";
OutString << SystemStateInfo.ConfidenceSystemIsMalfunctioning << ",";
OutString << SystemStateInfo.ConfidenceOfAllDecisions << ",";
return ret(std::make_tuple<std::string>(OutString.str()));
using arr = std::vector<std::pair<SignalStateTuple, bool>>;
template <size_t NumOfSlaves>
AgentHandle createSystemStateDetectorAgent(
std::unique_ptr<Application> &C, const std::string &Name,
std::shared_ptr<PartialFunction<uint32_t, float>> BrokenDelayFunction,
std::shared_ptr<PartialFunction<uint32_t, float>> OkDelayFunction) {
LOG_TRACE("Creating fixed SystemStateDetectorAgent");
using Input = SignalStateTuple;
using Result = Optional<SystemStateTuple>;
SystemStateDetector<uint32_t, float, float, HistoryPolicy::FIFO>>
new SystemStateDetector<uint32_t, float, float, HistoryPolicy::FIFO>(
std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(), NumOfSlaves,
BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction));
SysSD = _SysSD;
auto HandlerFunction =
Handler<NumOfSlaves, Result, function<Optional<SystemStateTuple>, arr>,
return C->createAgent(Name, std::function(HandlerFunction));
AgentHandle createSystemStateDetectorAgent(
std::unique_ptr<Application> &C, const std::string &Name,
size_t NumOfSlaves,
std::shared_ptr<PartialFunction<uint32_t, float>> BrokenDelayFunction,
std::shared_ptr<PartialFunction<uint32_t, float>> OkDelayFunction) {
LOG_TRACE("Creating dynamic SystemStateDetectorAgent");
switch (NumOfSlaves) {
// clang-format off
case 2: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent< 2>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 3: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent< 3>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 4: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent< 4>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 5: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent< 5>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 6: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent< 6>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 7: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent< 7>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 8: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent< 8>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 9: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent< 9>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 10: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<10>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 11: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<11>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 12: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<12>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 13: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<13>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 14: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<14>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 15: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<15>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 16: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<16>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 17: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<17>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 18: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<18>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 19: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<19>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 20: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<20>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 21: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<21>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 22: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<22>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 23: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<23>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 24: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<24>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 25: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<25>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
case 1:
default: return createSystemStateDetectorAgent<1>(C, Name, BrokenDelayFunction, OkDelayFunction);
// clang-format on
diff --git a/include/rosa/agent/State.hpp b/include/rosa/agent/State.hpp
index 0a1abd4..cd29062 100644
--- a/include/rosa/agent/State.hpp
+++ b/include/rosa/agent/State.hpp
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
//===-- rosa/agent/State.hpp ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The RoSA Framework
// Distributed under the terms and conditions of the Boost Software License 1.0.
// See accompanying file LICENSE.
// If you did not receive a copy of the license file, see
/// \file rosa/agent/State.hpp
/// \author Maximilian Götzinger (
/// \date 2019
/// \brief Definition of *state* *functionality*.
#include "rosa/agent/Functionality.h"
//#include "rosa/agent/FunctionAbstractions.hpp"
//#include "rosa/agent/History.hpp"
#include "rosa/support/debug.hpp"
#include <stdint.h>
//#include <vector>
namespace rosa {
namespace agent {
/// State conditions defining how the condition of a \c rosa::agent::State is
/// saved in \c rosa::agent::StateInformation.
-enum StateConditions : uint8_t {
- UNKNOWN = 0, ///< The state is unknown
- STABLE = 1, ///< The state is stable
- DRIFTING = 2, ///< The state is drifting
- MALFUNCTIONING = 3 ///< Malfunction
+enum StateConditions : char {
+ UNKNOWN = '0', ///< The state is unknown
+ STABLE = '1', ///< The state is stable
+ DRIFTING = '2', ///< The state is drifting
+ MALFUNCTIONING = '3' ///< Malfunction
template <typename CONFDATATYPE> struct StateInformation {
// Make sure the actual type arguments are matching our expectations.
"confidence type is not to arithmetic");
/// The StateID stores the ID of the state.
unsigned int StateID;
/// The StateCondition shows the condition of a state (stable, drifting, or
/// unknown)
StateConditions StateCondition;
/// The StateIsValid shows whether a state is valid or invalid. In this
/// context, valid means that enough samples which are in close proximitry
/// have been inserted into the state.
bool StateIsValid;
/// The StateJustGotValid shows whether a state got valid (toggled from
/// invalid to valid) during the current inserted sample.
bool StateJustGotValid;
/// The StateIsValidAfterReentrance shows whether a state is valid after the
/// variable changed back to it again.
bool StateIsValidAfterReentrance;
/// TODO: describe
CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceStateIsValid;
CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceStateIsInvalid;
CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceStateIsStable;
CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceStateIsDrifting;
template <typename INDATATYPE, typename CONFDATATYPE, typename PROCDATATYPE>
class State : public Functionality {
// Make sure the actual type arguments are matching our expectations.
"input data type not arithmetic");
"confidence abstraction type is not to arithmetic");
"process type is not to arithmetic");
} // End namespace agent
} // End namespace rosa

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Sun, Mar 16, 8:03 AM (1 d, 18 h)
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