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diff --git a/bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_multiple_outputs.c b/bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_conventional_gates.c
similarity index 99%
rename from bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_multiple_outputs.c
rename to bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_conventional_gates.c
index 9493a99..abd3cc7 100644
--- a/bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_multiple_outputs.c
+++ b/bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_conventional_gates.c
@@ -1,472 +1,472 @@
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// -------------- config
#define MAX_AREA 10000 //Determine the initial max_area
#define NUM_INPUTS 3 //speaks for itself
#define MAX_GATES 5 // determine the max_amount of gates
#define NUM_THREADS 3 //Needs to be <= 9 or 18 or 27 for efficient splitting the work load
#define use_truth_table 1 //If 1 use the truth table below. If multiple outputs then paste the truth table after another from the [file].truth
#define target_truth_table "10010110" //exampe here [Target A][Target B] pasted after another.
The truth table matching this is that of a increase in value of the input variables
Let's say 3 input variables
A, B, Cin, | S Cout
0, 0, 0, | 0 0
0, 0, 1, | 1 0
0, 1, 0, | 1 0
0, 1, 1, | 0 1
1, 0, 0, | 1 0
1, 0, 1, | 0 1
1, 1, 0, | 0 1
1, 1, 1, | 1 1
S = 10010110
Cout = 11101000
target_truth_table = "S Cin" = "1110100010010110"
also means that output B
//AND = &&, OR = ||, XOR = ^, NOT = !
int target_function(int inputs[]) {
return inputs[0] ^ inputs[1] ^ inputs[2] ^ inputs [3];
// -------------- Auto-define
#define NUM_OUTPUTS (sizeof(target_truth_table)-1)/NUM_COMBINATION
// -------------- structs
typedef struct {
char* type;
int area;
} GateType;
typedef struct {
GateType* gate;
int8_t in1;
int8_t in2;
} Gate;
typedef struct {
Gate gates[MAX_GATES];
int8_t gate_count;
int area;
} Circuit;
typedef struct {
Circuit volatile best_circuit;
GateType *gate_types;
int num_inputs;
int num_gates;
int volatile best_area;
int8_t *truth_table;
int8_t *target_outputs;
int worker_id;
int num_circuit[2]; //first is the amount in million and the second is the increment counter.
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
} ThreadArgs;
GateType gate_types[] = {
{"INV", 1160},
{"AND", 1288},
{"NAND", 2448},
{"OR", 1288},
{"NOR", 2448},
{"XOR", 2448},
{"XNOR", 2448},
{"ANDNOT", 1288},
{"ORNOT", 1288}
// -------------- start functions
void tee(FILE *f, char const *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vprintf(fmt, ap);
va_start(ap, fmt);
vfprintf(f, fmt, ap);
void print_circuit(Circuit * circuit){
FILE *fptr;
fptr = fopen("../output/output_bruteforce.txt", "a");
for(int y=0; y<circuit->gate_count; y++){
printf("%d: %s, in1: %d, in2: %d\n",y,circuit->gates[y].gate->type,circuit->gates[y].in1,circuit->gates[y].in2);
tee(fptr,"------- Circuit area: %d -------\n",circuit->area);
tee(fptr,"Input ");
for(int i='a';(i-'a')<NUM_INPUTS;i++){tee(fptr,"%c, ",i);}
for(int y=0; y<circuit->gate_count; y++){
int print_in1 = circuit->gates[y].in1 + '0';
int print_in2 = circuit->gates[y].in2 + '0';
print_in1 = circuit->gates[y].in1 + 'a';
print_in2 = circuit->gates[y].in2 + 'a';
tee(fptr,"%d: %s, in1: %c, in2: %c\n",y+NUM_INPUTS,circuit->gates[y].gate->type,print_in1,print_in2);
tee(fptr,"Output ");
for(int i='x';(i-'x')<NUM_OUTPUTS;i++){tee(fptr,"%c:%lu, ",i,NUM_INPUTS+circuit->gate_count-NUM_OUTPUTS+(i-'x'));}
void write_circuit_to_file(Circuit * circuit, int area, int worker_number, int file_number){
FILE *fptr;
char file_name[100];
sprintf(file_name, "../output/", area, worker_number, file_number);
fptr = fopen(file_name, "w");
//for(int y=0; y<circuit->gate_count; y++){
// printf("%d: %s, in1: %d, in2: %d, in3: %d\n",y,circuit->gates[y].gate->type,circuit->gates[y].in1,circuit->gates[y].in2,circuit->gates[y].in3);
- fprintf(fptr, "digraph Circuit {\n rankdir=LR; // Makes the graph left-to-right\n node [shape=ellipse]; // Default shape for nodes\n");
+ fprintf(fptr, "digraph Circuit {\n rankdir=LR; // Makes the graph left-to-right\n node [shape=ellipse]; // Default shape for nodes\n ranksep=2; // Increases vertical separation\n");
for(int i='a';(i-'a')<NUM_INPUTS;i++){fprintf(fptr," %c [ shape=octagon, label=\"%c\", color=\"black\", fontcolor=\"black\"]; \n",i,i);}
for(int y=0; y<circuit->gate_count; y++){
int print_in1 = circuit->gates[y].in1 + '0';
int print_in2 = circuit->gates[y].in2 + '0';
print_in1 = circuit->gates[y].in1 + 'a';
print_in2 = circuit->gates[y].in2 + 'a';
int unit_number = y+NUM_INPUTS;
fprintf(fptr," %d [ shape=record, label=\"{{<p1> in 0|<p2> in 1}| %s %d |{<p4> Y}}\", color=\"darkred\", fontcolor=\"darkred\" ];\n",unit_number,circuit->gates[y].gate->type,unit_number);
fprintf(fptr," %c:e -> %d:p1;\n %c:e -> %d:p2;\n",print_in1,unit_number,print_in2,unit_number);
for(int i='x';(i-'x')<NUM_OUTPUTS;i++){fprintf(fptr," %lu:e -> %c;\n",NUM_INPUTS+circuit->gate_count-NUM_OUTPUTS+(i-'x'),i);}
void evaluate_circuit(GateType* all_gates, Circuit* circuit, int8_t* inputs, int8_t* outputs) {
int8_t intermediate_outputs[NUM_INPUTS + MAX_GATES];
memcpy(intermediate_outputs, inputs, NUM_INPUTS * sizeof(int8_t));
for (int i = 0; i < circuit->gate_count; i++) {
int out1 = intermediate_outputs[circuit->gates[i].in1];
int out2 = intermediate_outputs[circuit->gates[i].in2];
int output = 0;
if (circuit->gates[i].gate == &all_gates[0]) //INV
output = ~out1 & 1;
else if (circuit->gates[i].gate == &all_gates[1]) //AND
output = out1 & out2;
else if (circuit->gates[i].gate == &all_gates[2]) //NAND
output = ~(out1 & out2) & 1;
else if (circuit->gates[i].gate == &all_gates[3]) //OR
output = out1 | out2;
else if (circuit->gates[i].gate == &all_gates[4]) //NOR
output = ~(out1 | out2) & 1;
else if (circuit->gates[i].gate == &all_gates[5]) //XOR
output = out1 ^ out2;
else if (circuit->gates[i].gate == &all_gates[6]) //XNOR
output = ~(out1 ^ out2) & 1;
else if (circuit->gates[i].gate == &all_gates[7]) //ANDNOT
output = out1 & (~out2 & 1);
else if (circuit->gates[i].gate == &all_gates[8]) //ORNOT
output = out1 | (~out2 & 1);
intermediate_outputs[NUM_INPUTS + i] = output;
for(int z=0; z<NUM_OUTPUTS;z++){
outputs[z] = intermediate_outputs[NUM_INPUTS + circuit->gate_count-NUM_OUTPUTS+z];
int detect_tautology(Circuit *current_circuit, int in1, int in2, int gate_selected, ThreadArgs *data){
if ((in1 == in2 && gate_selected != 0) || //Skip gate if it has the same input both ports NOTE THAT IF i == 0 THEN WE SELECT INV.
(in1 != in2 && gate_selected == 0) || //Skip if inverter has different in2.
(in1 > in2 && gate_selected != 7 && gate_selected != 8)) { //skip if with symmetry connected NOTE THAT i == 7 IS ANDNOT and i ==8 is ORNOT
return 1;
for(int i=0; i<(current_circuit->gate_count-1);i++){
if(current_circuit->gates[i].gate == &data->gate_types[gate_selected]){
if(current_circuit->gates[i].in1 == in1 && current_circuit->gates[i].in2 == in2){
return 1; //DETECTED A COMPLETE equivalent circuit
int input_used[current_circuit->gate_count + data->num_inputs];
memset(input_used, 0, sizeof(input_used));
for(int i=0; i<current_circuit->gate_count; i++){
input_used[current_circuit->gates[i].in1] = 1;
input_used[current_circuit->gates[i].in2] = 1;
input_used[in1] = 1;
input_used[in2] = 1;
for(int i=0; i<(current_circuit->gate_count + data->num_inputs - NUM_OUTPUTS);i++){
if(input_used[i]==0 && current_circuit->gate_count!=0){
return 2; //missing an used output
return 0;
void generate_circuits_recursive(Circuit *current_circuit, int depth, ThreadArgs *data) {
if (depth == data->num_gates){
// Reached end of amount of gates.
GateType* gate_types = data->gate_types;
// Loop through gate types and inputs to build possible circuits
int num_gate_types = 9;
int division = (num_gate_types + NUM_THREADS-1)/NUM_THREADS;
int multi_core_division=NUM_THREADS/num_gate_types;
//0 - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8
for (int i = 0; i < num_gate_types; i++) {
// ----------------- Going for multi processor approach
if(depth == 0){//at first level has to seperate into threads
if((i<(data->worker_id*division)) | (i>=((data->worker_id+1)*division))){
//printf("Thread %d, skipping %s\n",data->worker_id,data->gate_types[i].type);
} else {
if( i != (data->worker_id/multi_core_division)){
//printf("Thread %d, skipping %s\n",data->worker_id,data->gate_types[i].type);
} else if (depth == 1 && NUM_THREADS>9) {
if((i<(data->worker_id%multi_core_division)*(9/multi_core_division)) | (i>=((data->worker_id+1)%multi_core_division)*(9/multi_core_division))){
//printf("at depth 1 Thread %d, skipping %s\n",data->worker_id,data->gate_types[i].type);
//printf("worker %d: area %d on gate type %d and depth %d larger then best area %d continueing\n",data->worker_id,current_circuit->area,i,depth,data->best_area);
for (int in1 = 0; in1 < depth + data->num_inputs; in1++) {
for (int in2 = 0; in2 < depth + data->num_inputs; in2++) {
data->num_circuit[0] += 1;
// Add the new gate to the circuit
current_circuit->gates[depth].gate = &gate_types[i]; //set pointer to the type of gate
current_circuit->gates[depth].in1 = in1;
current_circuit->gates[depth].in2 = in2;
current_circuit->gate_count = depth + 1;
int tautology = detect_tautology(current_circuit,in1,in2,i,data); //0: nothing found, 1: direct tautology, 2:unconnected device may still be connected.
continue; //Found already unnecessary combo and should skip it
//if(current_circuit->gates[0].gate==&data->gate_types[1] && current_circuit->gates[1].gate==&data->gate_types[0] && current_circuit->gate_count==2 && tautology==0){// && current_circuit->gates[2].gate==&data->gate_types[6]){
// printf("test\n");
int valid = 0;
if(tautology!=2){ //There is an unconnected gate if this holds true
valid = 1;
int8_t output[NUM_OUTPUTS];
for (int y=0; y < (1 << data->num_inputs); y++){ //CHECK IF IT IS VALID
evaluate_circuit(data->gate_types, current_circuit, &data->truth_table[y*data->num_inputs], output);
for(int z=0; z<NUM_OUTPUTS;z++){
valid = 0;
//valid circuit add area
current_circuit->area += gate_types[i].area; // Example area increment (modify as needed)
if(data->num_circuit[0]%1000000000 == 0){
data->num_circuit[1] += 1;
data->num_circuit[0] = 0;
printf("%d:At circuit number %d M current best_area %d and tested area %d\n",data->worker_id,data->num_circuit[1],data->best_area,current_circuit->area);
pthread_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); //get mutex
if(valid == 1 && current_circuit->area<data->best_area){
//Found a valid solution!
memcpy((void *)&data->best_circuit, current_circuit, sizeof(Circuit)); //write to best circuit
printf("%d: Found proper solution\n",data->worker_id);
write_circuit_to_file(current_circuit,current_circuit->area,data->worker_id,data->num_circuit[0]*100 + data->num_circuit[1]);
data->best_area = current_circuit->area;
// Recurse to add more gates
generate_circuits_recursive(current_circuit, depth + 1, data);
current_circuit->area -= gate_types[i].area; // Example area increment (modify as needed)
//printf("worker %d: returning with depth %d and area %d\n",data->worker_id,depth,current_circuit->area);
void* search_space_worker(void* args) {
// Define and initialize worker-specific parameters and loop through circuits
// You will need to pass parameters in `args` and cast them in this function
ThreadArgs *data;
data = (ThreadArgs *) args;
Circuit current_circuit;
current_circuit.area = 0;
current_circuit.gate_count = 0;
printf("%d: best Area %d, Going in recusive loop to check all circuits\n",data->worker_id, data->best_area);
generate_circuits_recursive(&current_circuit, 0, data);
//finished set worker_id to 1000 to indicate to the management thread that we finished
data->worker_id = 1000;
return NULL; // Return the best found circuit and area as needed
void brute_force_boolean(Circuit* best_circuit, int8_t truth_table[], int8_t target_outputs[], int num_inputs, int max_gates, int max_area) {
pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS];
ThreadArgs thread_args[NUM_THREADS]; // Define `ThreadArgs` to pass data to threads
int best_area = max_area;
int total_circuits = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
thread_args[i].gate_types = gate_types;
thread_args[i].num_inputs = num_inputs;
thread_args[i].num_gates = max_gates;
thread_args[i].best_area = best_area;
thread_args[i].truth_table = truth_table;
thread_args[i].target_outputs = target_outputs;
thread_args[i].worker_id = i;
thread_args[i].num_circuit[0] = 0;
thread_args[i].num_circuit[1] = 0;
pthread_mutex_init(&thread_args[i].mutex, NULL);
pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, search_space_worker, (void *)&thread_args[i]);
clock_t begin = clock();
int number_of_running_threads = NUM_THREADS;
number_of_running_threads = NUM_THREADS;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
pthread_mutex_lock(&thread_args[i].mutex); //get lock on the data
//Check if it found a better circuit then known before.
best_area = thread_args[i].best_area;
printf("Found best circuit at size %d, on worker: %d\n",best_area,i);
memcpy(best_circuit, (void *)&thread_args[i].best_circuit, sizeof(Circuit));
//found a better circuit by another thread. Update data variable so that it does not searche longer where not necessary
printf("setting the best_area size %d, on worker: %d\n",best_area,i);
thread_args[i].best_area = best_area;
//lastly check if the thread_closed
number_of_running_threads -= 1;
// Collect best circuits and area from each thread
clock_t toc = clock();
printf("%f: running number of threads: %d\n",(double)(toc - begin) / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC*number_of_running_threads),number_of_running_threads);
printf("no threads running anymore\n");
// Output the best circuit
//count total amount of circuits
for(int i=0;i<NUM_THREADS;i++){
total_circuits += thread_args[i].num_circuit[1];
printf("Total amount of circuits searched is %d M\n",total_circuits);
void fill_target_outputs(int8_t truth_table[], int8_t target_outputs[], int num_inputs) {
int num_combinations = NUM_COMBINATION;
for (int i = 0; i < num_combinations; i++) {
int inputs[num_inputs];
for (int j = 0; j < num_inputs; j++) {
inputs[j] = (i >> j) & 1; // Extract each bit of i as an input
truth_table[i*num_inputs+j] = (i >> j) & 1;;
target_outputs[i] = target_function(inputs);
int main() {
// Define target function output
int8_t target_outputs[NUM_COMBINATION*NUM_OUTPUTS]; // 1<<NUM_INPUTS is equivalent to 2^NUM_INPUTS
int8_t truth_table[NUM_COMBINATION*NUM_INPUTS]; // create a truth_table the size of target_output with an entry for every input.
fill_target_outputs(truth_table, target_outputs, NUM_INPUTS);
for(int i=0; i<(NUM_COMBINATION*NUM_OUTPUTS); i++){
target_outputs[i] = target_truth_table[(NUM_COMBINATION*NUM_OUTPUTS-1)-i]-'0'; //load in the truth table but then flipped
Circuit best_circuit;
brute_force_boolean(&best_circuit, truth_table, target_outputs, NUM_INPUTS, MAX_GATES, MAX_AREA);
printf("Found best solution\n");
// Print best circuit details
return 0;
diff --git a/bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_muxig.c b/bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_mux-xor.c
similarity index 68%
copy from bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_muxig.c
copy to bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_mux-xor.c
index df70d86..ebb3f36 100644
--- a/bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_muxig.c
+++ b/bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_mux-xor.c
@@ -1,463 +1,483 @@
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// -------------- config
-#define MAX_AREA 15000 //Determine the initial max_area
+#define MAX_AREA 10000 //Determine the initial max_area
#define NUM_INPUTS 3 //speaks for itself
-#define MAX_GATES 10 // determine the max_amount of gates
+#define MAX_GATES 6 // determine the max_amount of gates
#define NUM_THREADS 3 //Needs to be <= 9 or 18 or 27 for efficient splitting the work load
#define use_truth_table 1 //If 1 use the truth table below. If multiple outputs then paste the truth table after another from the [file].truth
-#define target_truth_table "10010110" //exampe here [Target A][Target B] pasted after another.
+//#define target_truth_table "11101000" //exampe here [Target A][Target B] pasted after another.
+//MAJ testing
+#define target_truth_table "1110100010010110"
+//half adder
The truth table matching this is that of a increase in value of the input variables
Let's say 3 input variables
I3 I2 I1 | O2 O1
A, B, Cin, | S Cout
0, 0, 0, | 0 0
0, 0, 1, | 1 0
0, 1, 0, | 1 0
0, 1, 1, | 0 1
1, 0, 0, | 1 0
1, 0, 1, | 0 1
1, 1, 0, | 0 1
1, 1, 1, | 1 1
S = 10010110
Cout = 11101000
MUX = 11001010
target_truth_table = "S Cin" = "1110100010010110"
also means that output B
//AND = &&, OR = ||, XOR = ^, NOT = !
int target_function(int inputs[]) {
return inputs[0] ^ inputs[1];
// -------------- Auto-define
#define NUM_OUTPUTS (sizeof(target_truth_table)-1)/NUM_COMBINATION
// -------------- structs
typedef struct {
char* type;
int area;
} GateType;
typedef struct {
GateType* gate;
int8_t in1;
int8_t in2;
int8_t in3;
+ int8_t in4;
} Gate;
typedef struct {
Gate gates[MAX_GATES];
int8_t gate_count;
int area;
} Circuit;
typedef struct {
Circuit volatile best_circuit;
GateType *gate_types;
int num_inputs;
int num_gates;
int volatile best_area;
int8_t *truth_table;
int8_t *target_outputs;
int worker_id;
int num_circuit[2]; //first is the amount in million and the second is the increment counter.
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
} ThreadArgs;
// -------------- define used gates
GateType gate_types[] = {
{"INV", 1160},
- {"MUX", 1288}
+ {"MUX-XOR", 1288}
// -------------- start functions
void tee(FILE *f, char const *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vprintf(fmt, ap);
va_start(ap, fmt);
vfprintf(f, fmt, ap);
void print_circuit(Circuit * circuit){
FILE *fptr;
fptr = fopen("../output/output_bruteforce.txt", "a");
//for(int y=0; y<circuit->gate_count; y++){
// printf("%d: %s, in1: %d, in2: %d, in3: %d\n",y,circuit->gates[y].gate->type,circuit->gates[y].in1,circuit->gates[y].in2,circuit->gates[y].in3);
- tee(fptr,"------- Circuit area: %d -------\n",circuit->area);
+ tee(fptr,"---------- Circuit area: %d ----------\n",circuit->area);
tee(fptr,"Input ");
for(int i='a';(i-'a')<NUM_INPUTS;i++){tee(fptr,"%c, ",i);}
for(int y=0; y<circuit->gate_count; y++){
int print_in1 = circuit->gates[y].in1 + '0';
int print_in2 = circuit->gates[y].in2 + '0';
int print_in3 = circuit->gates[y].in3 + '0';
+ int print_in4 = circuit->gates[y].in4 + '0';
if((print_in1-2-'0')<NUM_INPUTS && (print_in1-2-'0')>=0){
print_in1 = circuit->gates[y].in1-2 + 'a';
if((print_in2-2-'0')<NUM_INPUTS && (print_in2-2-'0')>=0){
print_in2 = circuit->gates[y].in2-2 + 'a';
if((print_in3-2-'0')<NUM_INPUTS && (print_in3-2-'0')>=0){
print_in3 = circuit->gates[y].in3-2 + 'a';
+ if((print_in4-2-'0')<NUM_INPUTS && (print_in4-2-'0')>=0){
+ print_in4 = circuit->gates[y].in4-2 + 'a';
+ }
- tee(fptr,"%d: %s, in1: %c, in2: %c, in3: %c\n",y+NUM_INPUTS+2,circuit->gates[y].gate->type,print_in1,print_in2,print_in3);
+ tee(fptr,"%d: %s, in1: %c, in2: %c, in3: %c, in4: %c\n",y+NUM_INPUTS+2,circuit->gates[y].gate->type,print_in1,print_in2,print_in3,print_in4);
tee(fptr,"Output ");
for(int i='x';(i-'x')<NUM_OUTPUTS;i++){tee(fptr,"%c:%lu, ",i,NUM_INPUTS+circuit->gate_count-NUM_OUTPUTS+(i-'x')+2);}
- tee(fptr,"----------------------------------\n");
+ tee(fptr,"----------------------------------------\n");
void write_circuit_to_file(Circuit * circuit, int area, int worker_number, int file_number){
FILE *fptr;
char file_name[100];
sprintf(file_name, "../output/", area, worker_number, file_number);
fptr = fopen(file_name, "w");
//for(int y=0; y<circuit->gate_count; y++){
// printf("%d: %s, in1: %d, in2: %d, in3: %d\n",y,circuit->gates[y].gate->type,circuit->gates[y].in1,circuit->gates[y].in2,circuit->gates[y].in3);
- fprintf(fptr, "digraph Circuit {\n rankdir=LR; // Makes the graph left-to-right\n node [shape=ellipse]; // Default shape for nodes\n");
+ fprintf(fptr, "digraph Circuit {\n rankdir=LR; // Makes the graph left-to-right\n node [shape=ellipse]; // Default shape for nodes\n ranksep=2; // Increases vertical separation\n");
for(int i='a';(i-'a')<NUM_INPUTS;i++){fprintf(fptr," %c [ shape=octagon, label=\"%c\", color=\"black\", fontcolor=\"black\"]; \n",i,i);}
for(int y=0; y<circuit->gate_count; y++){
int print_in1 = circuit->gates[y].in1 + '0';
int print_in2 = circuit->gates[y].in2 + '0';
int print_in3 = circuit->gates[y].in3 + '0';
+ int print_in4 = circuit->gates[y].in4 + '0';
if((print_in1-2-'0')<NUM_INPUTS && (print_in1-2-'0')>=0){
print_in1 = circuit->gates[y].in1-2 + 'a';
if((print_in2-2-'0')<NUM_INPUTS && (print_in2-2-'0')>=0){
print_in2 = circuit->gates[y].in2-2 + 'a';
if((print_in3-2-'0')<NUM_INPUTS && (print_in3-2-'0')>=0){
print_in3 = circuit->gates[y].in3-2 + 'a';
+ if((print_in4-2-'0')<NUM_INPUTS && (print_in4-2-'0')>=0){
+ print_in4 = circuit->gates[y].in4-2 + 'a';
+ }
int unit_number = y+NUM_INPUTS+2;
- fprintf(fptr," %d [ shape=record, label=\"{{<p1> in 0|<p2> in 1|<p3> S}| MUX %d |{<p4> Y}}\", color=\"darkred\", fontcolor=\"darkred\" ];\n",unit_number,unit_number);
- fprintf(fptr," %c:e -> %d:p1;\n %c:e -> %d:p2;\n %c:e -> %d:p3;\n",print_in1,unit_number,print_in2,unit_number,print_in3,unit_number);
+ fprintf(fptr," %d [ shape=record, label=\"{{<p1> ==|<p3> XOR 0|<p4> XOR 1|<p2> !=}| MUX-XOR %d |{<p4> Y}}\", color=\"darkred\", fontcolor=\"darkred\" ];\n",unit_number,unit_number);
+ fprintf(fptr," %c:e -> %d:p1;\n %c:e -> %d:p2;\n %c:e -> %d:p3;\n %c:e -> %d:p4;\n",print_in1,unit_number,print_in2,unit_number,print_in3,unit_number,print_in4,unit_number);
for(int i='x';(i-'x')<NUM_OUTPUTS;i++){fprintf(fptr," %lu:e -> %c;\n",NUM_INPUTS+circuit->gate_count-NUM_OUTPUTS+(i-'x')+2,i);}
void evaluate_circuit(GateType* all_gates, Circuit* circuit, int8_t* inputs, int8_t* outputs) {
int8_t intermediate_outputs[NUM_INPUTS + MAX_GATES+2];
intermediate_outputs[0] = 0; //Make sure that intermediate_outputs[0] = 0 and [1] = 1 for constant signal attachments
intermediate_outputs[1] = 1;
memcpy(&intermediate_outputs[2], inputs, NUM_INPUTS * sizeof(int8_t)); //copy boolean value over this
for (int i = 0; i < circuit->gate_count; i++) {
int out1 = intermediate_outputs[circuit->gates[i].in1];
int out2 = intermediate_outputs[circuit->gates[i].in2];
int out3 = intermediate_outputs[circuit->gates[i].in3];
+ int out4 = intermediate_outputs[circuit->gates[i].in4];
int output = 0;
if (circuit->gates[i].gate == &all_gates[0]) //INV
output = ~out1 & 1;
- else if (circuit->gates[i].gate == &all_gates[1]) //MUX
- output = out3 ? out2 : out1;
+ else if (circuit->gates[i].gate == &all_gates[1]) //MUX-XOR
+ output = (out4^out3) ? out2 : out1;
intermediate_outputs[NUM_INPUTS + i + 2] = output;
for(int z=0; z<NUM_OUTPUTS;z++){
outputs[z] = intermediate_outputs[NUM_INPUTS + 2 + circuit->gate_count-NUM_OUTPUTS+z];
-int detect_tautology(Circuit *current_circuit, int in1, int in2, int in3, int gate_selected, ThreadArgs *data){
- if ((in1 == in2 && gate_selected != 0) ||
- (in1 == 0 && in2 == 1 && gate_selected != 0) ){ //|| //Skip gate if it has the same input both ports NOTE THAT IF i == 0 THEN WE SELECT INV.
+int detect_tautology(Circuit *current_circuit, int in1, int in2, int in3, int in4, int gate_selected, ThreadArgs *data){
+ if ((in1 == in2 && gate_selected != 0) ||
+ //(in1 == in3 || in2 == in3) ||
+ (in3 == in4)){
+ //(in1 == 0 && in2 == 1 && gate_selected != 0) ){ //|| //Skip gate if it has the same input both ports NOTE THAT IF i == 0 THEN WE SELECT INV.
return 1;
for(int i=0; i<(current_circuit->gate_count-1);i++){
if(current_circuit->gates[i].gate == &data->gate_types[gate_selected]){
if(current_circuit->gates[i].in1 == in1 && current_circuit->gates[i].in2 == in2 && current_circuit->gates[i].in3 == in3){
return 1; //DETECTED A COMPLETE equivalent circuit
int input_used[current_circuit->gate_count + data->num_inputs+2];
memset(input_used, 0, sizeof(input_used));
input_used[0] = 1; //make sure that the constant don't trigger a faulty tautology result.
input_used[1] = 1;
for(int i=0; i<current_circuit->gate_count; i++){
input_used[current_circuit->gates[i].in1] = 1;
input_used[current_circuit->gates[i].in2] = 1;
input_used[current_circuit->gates[i].in3] = 1;
input_used[in1] = 1;
input_used[in2] = 1;
input_used[in3] = 1;
+ input_used[in4] = 1;
for(int i=0; i < (current_circuit->gate_count + data->num_inputs - NUM_OUTPUTS+2); i++){
if(input_used[i]==0 && current_circuit->gate_count!=0){
return 2; //missing an used output
return 0;
void generate_circuits_recursive(Circuit *current_circuit, int depth, ThreadArgs *data) {
if (depth == data->num_gates){
// Reached end of amount of gates.
GateType* gate_types = data->gate_types;
// Loop through gate types and inputs to build possible circuits
//int num_gate_types = 1;
//int division = (num_gate_types + NUM_THREADS-1)/NUM_THREADS;
//int multi_core_division=NUM_THREADS/num_gate_types;
//0 - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8
//for (int i = 0; i < num_gate_types; i++) {
int i = 1; //Only select the multiplexer
//printf("worker %d: area %d on gate type %d and depth %d larger then best area %d continueing\n",data->worker_id,current_circuit->area,i,depth,data->best_area);
- for (int in3 = 2; in3 < depth + data->num_inputs + 2; in3++){
+ for (int in4 = 0; in4 < depth + data->num_inputs + 2; in4++){
+ for (int in3 = 0; in3 < depth + data->num_inputs + 2; in3++){
- //Going for multithread approach
- if(in3 != data->worker_id+2 && depth == 0){
- continue;
- }
+ //Going for multithread approach
+ if(in3 != data->worker_id+2 && depth == 0){
+ continue;
+ }
- for (int in2 = 0; in2 < depth + data->num_inputs + 2; in2++) {
- for (int in1 = 0; in1 < depth + data->num_inputs + 2; in1++){
- data->num_circuit[0] += 1;
+ for (int in2 = 0; in2 < depth + data->num_inputs + 2; in2++) {
+ for (int in1 = 0; in1 < depth + data->num_inputs + 2; in1++){
+ data->num_circuit[0] += 1;
- // Add the new gate to the circuit
- current_circuit->gates[depth].gate = &gate_types[i]; //set pointer to the type of gate
- current_circuit->gates[depth].in1 = in1;
- current_circuit->gates[depth].in2 = in2;
- current_circuit->gates[depth].in3 = in3;
- current_circuit->gate_count = depth + 1;
+ // Add the new gate to the circuit
+ current_circuit->gates[depth].gate = &gate_types[i]; //set pointer to the type of gate
+ current_circuit->gates[depth].in1 = in1;
+ current_circuit->gates[depth].in2 = in2;
+ current_circuit->gates[depth].in3 = in3;
+ current_circuit->gates[depth].in4 = in4;
+ current_circuit->gate_count = depth + 1;
- //if(current_circuit->gates[0].in1 == 0 && current_circuit->gates[0].in2 == 1 && current_circuit->gates[0].in3 == 3 && current_circuit->gates[1].in1 == 2 && current_circuit->gates[1].in2 == 3 && current_circuit->gates[1].in3 == 4 && current_circuit->gates[2].in1 == 4 && current_circuit->gates[2].in2 == 5 && current_circuit->gates[2].in3 == 6){// && current_circuit->gates[2].gate==&data->gate_types[6]){
- //if(current_circuit->gates[0].in1 == 2 && current_circuit->gates[0].in2 == 3 && current_circuit->gates[0].in3 == 4){
- // printf("test\n");
- //}
+ //if(current_circuit->gates[0].in1 == 0 && current_circuit->gates[0].in2 == 1 && current_circuit->gates[0].in3 == 3 && current_circuit->gates[1].in1 == 2 && current_circuit->gates[1].in2 == 3 && current_circuit->gates[1].in3 == 4 && current_circuit->gates[2].in1 == 4 && current_circuit->gates[2].in2 == 5 && current_circuit->gates[2].in3 == 6){// && current_circuit->gates[2].gate==&data->gate_types[6]){
+ //if(current_circuit->gates[0].in1 == 2 && current_circuit->gates[0].in2 == 3 && current_circuit->gates[0].in3 == 4){
+ // printf("test\n");
+ //}
- int tautology = detect_tautology(current_circuit,in1,in2,in3,i,data); //0: nothing found, 1: direct tautology, 2:unconnected device may still be connected.
- if(tautology==1){
- continue; //Found already unnecessary combo and should skip it
- }
+ int tautology = detect_tautology(current_circuit,in1,in2,in3,in4,i,data); //0: nothing found, 1: direct tautology, 2:unconnected device may still be connected.
+ if(tautology==1){
+ continue; //Found already unnecessary combo and should skip it
+ }
- int valid = 0;
+ int valid = 0;
- if(tautology!=2){ //There is an unconnected gate if this holds true
- valid = 1;
- int8_t output[NUM_OUTPUTS];
- for (int y=0; y < (1 << data->num_inputs); y++){ //CHECK IF IT IS VALID
- evaluate_circuit(data->gate_types, current_circuit, &data->truth_table[y*data->num_inputs], output);
- for(int z=0; z<NUM_OUTPUTS;z++){
- if(output[z]!=data->target_outputs[y+NUM_COMBINATION*z]){
- valid = 0;
+ if(tautology!=2){ //There is an unconnected gate if this holds true
+ valid = 1;
+ int8_t output[NUM_OUTPUTS];
+ for (int y=0; y < (1 << data->num_inputs); y++){ //CHECK IF IT IS VALID
+ evaluate_circuit(data->gate_types, current_circuit, &data->truth_table[y*data->num_inputs], output);
+ for(int z=0; z<NUM_OUTPUTS;z++){
+ if(output[z]!=data->target_outputs[y+NUM_COMBINATION*z]){
+ valid = 0;
+ }
- }
- //valid circuit add area
- current_circuit->area += gate_types[i].area; // Example area increment (modify as needed)
- if(data->num_circuit[0]%1000000000 == 0){
- data->num_circuit[1] += 1;
- data->num_circuit[0] = 0;
- printf("%d:At circuit number %d M current best_area %d and tested area %d\n",data->worker_id,data->num_circuit[1],data->best_area,current_circuit->area);
- }
+ //valid circuit add area
+ current_circuit->area += gate_types[i].area; // Example area increment (modify as needed)
+ if(data->num_circuit[0]%1000000000 == 0){
+ data->num_circuit[1] += 1;
+ data->num_circuit[0] = 0;
+ printf("%d:At circuit number %d M current best_area %d and tested area %d\n",data->worker_id,data->num_circuit[1],data->best_area,current_circuit->area);
+ }
- pthread_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); //get mutex
- if(valid == 1 && current_circuit->area<data->best_area){
- //Found a valid solution!
- memcpy((void *)&data->best_circuit, current_circuit, sizeof(Circuit)); //write to best circuit
- printf("%d: Found proper solution\n",data->worker_id);
- print_circuit(current_circuit);
- write_circuit_to_file(current_circuit,current_circuit->area,data->worker_id,data->num_circuit[0]*100 + data->num_circuit[1]);
- data->best_area = current_circuit->area;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); //get mutex
+ if(valid == 1 && current_circuit->area<data->best_area){
+ //Found a valid solution!
+ memcpy((void *)&data->best_circuit, current_circuit, sizeof(Circuit)); //write to best circuit
+ printf("%d: Found proper solution\n",data->worker_id);
+ print_circuit(current_circuit);
+ write_circuit_to_file(current_circuit,current_circuit->area,data->worker_id,data->num_circuit[0]*100 + data->num_circuit[1]);
+ data->best_area = current_circuit->area;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex);
+ // Recurse to add more gates
+ generate_circuits_recursive(current_circuit, depth + 1, data);
+ current_circuit->area -= gate_types[i].area; // Example area increment (modify as needed)
+ //printf("worker %d: returning with depth %d and area %d\n",data->worker_id,depth,current_circuit->area);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex);
- // Recurse to add more gates
- generate_circuits_recursive(current_circuit, depth + 1, data);
- current_circuit->area -= gate_types[i].area; // Example area increment (modify as needed)
- //printf("worker %d: returning with depth %d and area %d\n",data->worker_id,depth,current_circuit->area);
void* search_space_worker(void* args) {
// Define and initialize worker-specific parameters and loop through circuits
// You will need to pass parameters in `args` and cast them in this function
ThreadArgs *data;
data = (ThreadArgs *) args;
Circuit current_circuit;
current_circuit.area = 0;
current_circuit.gate_count = 0;
printf("%d: best Area %d, Going in recusive loop to check all circuits\n",data->worker_id, data->best_area);
generate_circuits_recursive(&current_circuit, 0, data);
//finished set worker_id to 1000 to indicate to the management thread that we finished
data->worker_id = 1000;
return NULL; // Return the best found circuit and area as needed
void brute_force_boolean(Circuit* best_circuit, int8_t truth_table[], int8_t target_outputs[], int num_inputs, int max_gates, int max_area) {
pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS];
ThreadArgs thread_args[NUM_THREADS]; // Define `ThreadArgs` to pass data to threads
int best_area = max_area;
int total_circuits = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
thread_args[i].gate_types = gate_types;
thread_args[i].num_inputs = num_inputs;
thread_args[i].num_gates = max_gates;
thread_args[i].best_area = best_area;
thread_args[i].truth_table = truth_table;
thread_args[i].target_outputs = target_outputs;
thread_args[i].worker_id = i;
thread_args[i].num_circuit[0] = 0;
thread_args[i].num_circuit[1] = 0;
pthread_mutex_init(&thread_args[i].mutex, NULL);
pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, search_space_worker, (void *)&thread_args[i]);
clock_t begin = clock();
int number_of_running_threads = NUM_THREADS;
number_of_running_threads = NUM_THREADS;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
pthread_mutex_lock(&thread_args[i].mutex); //get lock on the data
//Check if it found a better circuit then known before.
best_area = thread_args[i].best_area;
printf("Found best circuit at size %d, on worker: %d\n",best_area,i);
memcpy(best_circuit, (void *)&thread_args[i].best_circuit, sizeof(Circuit));
//found a better circuit by another thread. Update data variable so that it does not searche longer where not necessary
printf("setting the best_area size %d, on worker: %d\n",best_area,i);
thread_args[i].best_area = best_area;
//lastly check if the thread_closed
number_of_running_threads -= 1;
// Collect best circuits and area from each thread
clock_t toc = clock();
printf("%f: running number of threads: %d\n",(double)(toc - begin) / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC*number_of_running_threads),number_of_running_threads);
printf("no threads running anymore\n");
// Output the best circuit
//count total amount of circuits
for(int i=0;i<NUM_THREADS;i++){
total_circuits += thread_args[i].num_circuit[1];
printf("Total amount of circuits searched is %d M\n",total_circuits);
void fill_target_outputs(int8_t truth_table[], int8_t target_outputs[], int num_inputs) {
int num_combinations = NUM_COMBINATION;
for (int i = 0; i < num_combinations; i++) {
int inputs[num_inputs];
for (int j = 0; j < num_inputs; j++) {
inputs[j] = (i >> j) & 1; // Extract each bit of i as an input
truth_table[i*num_inputs+j] = (i >> j) & 1;;
target_outputs[i] = target_function(inputs);
int main() {
// Define target function output
int8_t target_outputs[NUM_COMBINATION*NUM_OUTPUTS]; // 1<<NUM_INPUTS is equivalent to 2^NUM_INPUTS
int8_t truth_table[NUM_COMBINATION*NUM_INPUTS]; // create a truth_table the size of target_output with an entry for every input.
fill_target_outputs(truth_table, target_outputs, NUM_INPUTS);
for(int i=0; i<(NUM_COMBINATION*NUM_OUTPUTS); i++){
target_outputs[i] = target_truth_table[(NUM_COMBINATION*NUM_OUTPUTS-1)-i]-'0'; //load in the truth table but then flipped
Circuit best_circuit;
brute_force_boolean(&best_circuit, truth_table, target_outputs, NUM_INPUTS, MAX_GATES, MAX_AREA);
printf("Found best solution\n");
// Print best circuit details
return 0;
diff --git a/bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_muxig.c b/bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_muxig.c
index df70d86..9a44f9f 100644
--- a/bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_muxig.c
+++ b/bruteforce_approach/bruteforce_muxig.c
@@ -1,463 +1,464 @@
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// -------------- config
#define MAX_AREA 15000 //Determine the initial max_area
#define NUM_INPUTS 3 //speaks for itself
-#define MAX_GATES 10 // determine the max_amount of gates
+#define MAX_GATES 6 // determine the max_amount of gates
#define NUM_THREADS 3 //Needs to be <= 9 or 18 or 27 for efficient splitting the work load
#define use_truth_table 1 //If 1 use the truth table below. If multiple outputs then paste the truth table after another from the [file].truth
-#define target_truth_table "10010110" //exampe here [Target A][Target B] pasted after another.
+#define target_truth_table "11101000" //exampe here [Target A][Target B] pasted after another.
The truth table matching this is that of a increase in value of the input variables
Let's say 3 input variables
I3 I2 I1 | O2 O1
A, B, Cin, | S Cout
0, 0, 0, | 0 0
0, 0, 1, | 1 0
0, 1, 0, | 1 0
0, 1, 1, | 0 1
1, 0, 0, | 1 0
1, 0, 1, | 0 1
1, 1, 0, | 0 1
1, 1, 1, | 1 1
S = 10010110
Cout = 11101000
MUX = 11001010
target_truth_table = "S Cin" = "1110100010010110"
also means that output B
//AND = &&, OR = ||, XOR = ^, NOT = !
int target_function(int inputs[]) {
return inputs[0] ^ inputs[1];
// -------------- Auto-define
#define NUM_OUTPUTS (sizeof(target_truth_table)-1)/NUM_COMBINATION
// -------------- structs
typedef struct {
char* type;
int area;
} GateType;
typedef struct {
GateType* gate;
int8_t in1;
int8_t in2;
int8_t in3;
} Gate;
typedef struct {
Gate gates[MAX_GATES];
int8_t gate_count;
int area;
} Circuit;
typedef struct {
Circuit volatile best_circuit;
GateType *gate_types;
int num_inputs;
int num_gates;
int volatile best_area;
int8_t *truth_table;
int8_t *target_outputs;
int worker_id;
int num_circuit[2]; //first is the amount in million and the second is the increment counter.
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
} ThreadArgs;
// -------------- define used gates
GateType gate_types[] = {
{"INV", 1160},
{"MUX", 1288}
// -------------- start functions
void tee(FILE *f, char const *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vprintf(fmt, ap);
va_start(ap, fmt);
vfprintf(f, fmt, ap);
void print_circuit(Circuit * circuit){
FILE *fptr;
fptr = fopen("../output/output_bruteforce.txt", "a");
//for(int y=0; y<circuit->gate_count; y++){
// printf("%d: %s, in1: %d, in2: %d, in3: %d\n",y,circuit->gates[y].gate->type,circuit->gates[y].in1,circuit->gates[y].in2,circuit->gates[y].in3);
tee(fptr,"------- Circuit area: %d -------\n",circuit->area);
tee(fptr,"Input ");
for(int i='a';(i-'a')<NUM_INPUTS;i++){tee(fptr,"%c, ",i);}
for(int y=0; y<circuit->gate_count; y++){
int print_in1 = circuit->gates[y].in1 + '0';
int print_in2 = circuit->gates[y].in2 + '0';
int print_in3 = circuit->gates[y].in3 + '0';
if((print_in1-2-'0')<NUM_INPUTS && (print_in1-2-'0')>=0){
print_in1 = circuit->gates[y].in1-2 + 'a';
if((print_in2-2-'0')<NUM_INPUTS && (print_in2-2-'0')>=0){
print_in2 = circuit->gates[y].in2-2 + 'a';
if((print_in3-2-'0')<NUM_INPUTS && (print_in3-2-'0')>=0){
print_in3 = circuit->gates[y].in3-2 + 'a';
tee(fptr,"%d: %s, in1: %c, in2: %c, in3: %c\n",y+NUM_INPUTS+2,circuit->gates[y].gate->type,print_in1,print_in2,print_in3);
tee(fptr,"Output ");
for(int i='x';(i-'x')<NUM_OUTPUTS;i++){tee(fptr,"%c:%lu, ",i,NUM_INPUTS+circuit->gate_count-NUM_OUTPUTS+(i-'x')+2);}
void write_circuit_to_file(Circuit * circuit, int area, int worker_number, int file_number){
FILE *fptr;
char file_name[100];
sprintf(file_name, "../output/", area, worker_number, file_number);
fptr = fopen(file_name, "w");
//for(int y=0; y<circuit->gate_count; y++){
// printf("%d: %s, in1: %d, in2: %d, in3: %d\n",y,circuit->gates[y].gate->type,circuit->gates[y].in1,circuit->gates[y].in2,circuit->gates[y].in3);
- fprintf(fptr, "digraph Circuit {\n rankdir=LR; // Makes the graph left-to-right\n node [shape=ellipse]; // Default shape for nodes\n");
+ fprintf(fptr, "digraph Circuit {\n rankdir=LR; // Makes the graph left-to-right\n node [shape=ellipse]; // Default shape for nodes\n ranksep=2; // Increases vertical separation\n");
for(int i='a';(i-'a')<NUM_INPUTS;i++){fprintf(fptr," %c [ shape=octagon, label=\"%c\", color=\"black\", fontcolor=\"black\"]; \n",i,i);}
for(int y=0; y<circuit->gate_count; y++){
int print_in1 = circuit->gates[y].in1 + '0';
int print_in2 = circuit->gates[y].in2 + '0';
int print_in3 = circuit->gates[y].in3 + '0';
if((print_in1-2-'0')<NUM_INPUTS && (print_in1-2-'0')>=0){
print_in1 = circuit->gates[y].in1-2 + 'a';
if((print_in2-2-'0')<NUM_INPUTS && (print_in2-2-'0')>=0){
print_in2 = circuit->gates[y].in2-2 + 'a';
if((print_in3-2-'0')<NUM_INPUTS && (print_in3-2-'0')>=0){
print_in3 = circuit->gates[y].in3-2 + 'a';
int unit_number = y+NUM_INPUTS+2;
fprintf(fptr," %d [ shape=record, label=\"{{<p1> in 0|<p2> in 1|<p3> S}| MUX %d |{<p4> Y}}\", color=\"darkred\", fontcolor=\"darkred\" ];\n",unit_number,unit_number);
fprintf(fptr," %c:e -> %d:p1;\n %c:e -> %d:p2;\n %c:e -> %d:p3;\n",print_in1,unit_number,print_in2,unit_number,print_in3,unit_number);
for(int i='x';(i-'x')<NUM_OUTPUTS;i++){fprintf(fptr," %lu:e -> %c;\n",NUM_INPUTS+circuit->gate_count-NUM_OUTPUTS+(i-'x')+2,i);}
void evaluate_circuit(GateType* all_gates, Circuit* circuit, int8_t* inputs, int8_t* outputs) {
int8_t intermediate_outputs[NUM_INPUTS + MAX_GATES+2];
intermediate_outputs[0] = 0; //Make sure that intermediate_outputs[0] = 0 and [1] = 1 for constant signal attachments
intermediate_outputs[1] = 1;
memcpy(&intermediate_outputs[2], inputs, NUM_INPUTS * sizeof(int8_t)); //copy boolean value over this
for (int i = 0; i < circuit->gate_count; i++) {
int out1 = intermediate_outputs[circuit->gates[i].in1];
int out2 = intermediate_outputs[circuit->gates[i].in2];
int out3 = intermediate_outputs[circuit->gates[i].in3];
int output = 0;
if (circuit->gates[i].gate == &all_gates[0]) //INV
output = ~out1 & 1;
else if (circuit->gates[i].gate == &all_gates[1]) //MUX
output = out3 ? out2 : out1;
intermediate_outputs[NUM_INPUTS + i + 2] = output;
for(int z=0; z<NUM_OUTPUTS;z++){
outputs[z] = intermediate_outputs[NUM_INPUTS + 2 + circuit->gate_count-NUM_OUTPUTS+z];
int detect_tautology(Circuit *current_circuit, int in1, int in2, int in3, int gate_selected, ThreadArgs *data){
- if ((in1 == in2 && gate_selected != 0) ||
+ if ((in1 == in2 && gate_selected != 0) ||
+ (in1 == in3 || in2 == in3) ||
(in1 == 0 && in2 == 1 && gate_selected != 0) ){ //|| //Skip gate if it has the same input both ports NOTE THAT IF i == 0 THEN WE SELECT INV.
return 1;
for(int i=0; i<(current_circuit->gate_count-1);i++){
if(current_circuit->gates[i].gate == &data->gate_types[gate_selected]){
if(current_circuit->gates[i].in1 == in1 && current_circuit->gates[i].in2 == in2 && current_circuit->gates[i].in3 == in3){
return 1; //DETECTED A COMPLETE equivalent circuit
int input_used[current_circuit->gate_count + data->num_inputs+2];
memset(input_used, 0, sizeof(input_used));
input_used[0] = 1; //make sure that the constant don't trigger a faulty tautology result.
input_used[1] = 1;
for(int i=0; i<current_circuit->gate_count; i++){
input_used[current_circuit->gates[i].in1] = 1;
input_used[current_circuit->gates[i].in2] = 1;
input_used[current_circuit->gates[i].in3] = 1;
input_used[in1] = 1;
input_used[in2] = 1;
input_used[in3] = 1;
for(int i=0; i < (current_circuit->gate_count + data->num_inputs - NUM_OUTPUTS+2); i++){
if(input_used[i]==0 && current_circuit->gate_count!=0){
return 2; //missing an used output
return 0;
void generate_circuits_recursive(Circuit *current_circuit, int depth, ThreadArgs *data) {
if (depth == data->num_gates){
// Reached end of amount of gates.
GateType* gate_types = data->gate_types;
// Loop through gate types and inputs to build possible circuits
//int num_gate_types = 1;
//int division = (num_gate_types + NUM_THREADS-1)/NUM_THREADS;
//int multi_core_division=NUM_THREADS/num_gate_types;
//0 - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8
//for (int i = 0; i < num_gate_types; i++) {
int i = 1; //Only select the multiplexer
//printf("worker %d: area %d on gate type %d and depth %d larger then best area %d continueing\n",data->worker_id,current_circuit->area,i,depth,data->best_area);
for (int in3 = 2; in3 < depth + data->num_inputs + 2; in3++){
//Going for multithread approach
if(in3 != data->worker_id+2 && depth == 0){
for (int in2 = 0; in2 < depth + data->num_inputs + 2; in2++) {
for (int in1 = 0; in1 < depth + data->num_inputs + 2; in1++){
data->num_circuit[0] += 1;
// Add the new gate to the circuit
current_circuit->gates[depth].gate = &gate_types[i]; //set pointer to the type of gate
current_circuit->gates[depth].in1 = in1;
current_circuit->gates[depth].in2 = in2;
current_circuit->gates[depth].in3 = in3;
current_circuit->gate_count = depth + 1;
//if(current_circuit->gates[0].in1 == 0 && current_circuit->gates[0].in2 == 1 && current_circuit->gates[0].in3 == 3 && current_circuit->gates[1].in1 == 2 && current_circuit->gates[1].in2 == 3 && current_circuit->gates[1].in3 == 4 && current_circuit->gates[2].in1 == 4 && current_circuit->gates[2].in2 == 5 && current_circuit->gates[2].in3 == 6){// && current_circuit->gates[2].gate==&data->gate_types[6]){
//if(current_circuit->gates[0].in1 == 2 && current_circuit->gates[0].in2 == 3 && current_circuit->gates[0].in3 == 4){
// printf("test\n");
int tautology = detect_tautology(current_circuit,in1,in2,in3,i,data); //0: nothing found, 1: direct tautology, 2:unconnected device may still be connected.
continue; //Found already unnecessary combo and should skip it
int valid = 0;
if(tautology!=2){ //There is an unconnected gate if this holds true
valid = 1;
int8_t output[NUM_OUTPUTS];
for (int y=0; y < (1 << data->num_inputs); y++){ //CHECK IF IT IS VALID
evaluate_circuit(data->gate_types, current_circuit, &data->truth_table[y*data->num_inputs], output);
for(int z=0; z<NUM_OUTPUTS;z++){
valid = 0;
//valid circuit add area
current_circuit->area += gate_types[i].area; // Example area increment (modify as needed)
if(data->num_circuit[0]%1000000000 == 0){
data->num_circuit[1] += 1;
data->num_circuit[0] = 0;
printf("%d:At circuit number %d M current best_area %d and tested area %d\n",data->worker_id,data->num_circuit[1],data->best_area,current_circuit->area);
pthread_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); //get mutex
if(valid == 1 && current_circuit->area<data->best_area){
//Found a valid solution!
memcpy((void *)&data->best_circuit, current_circuit, sizeof(Circuit)); //write to best circuit
printf("%d: Found proper solution\n",data->worker_id);
write_circuit_to_file(current_circuit,current_circuit->area,data->worker_id,data->num_circuit[0]*100 + data->num_circuit[1]);
data->best_area = current_circuit->area;
// Recurse to add more gates
generate_circuits_recursive(current_circuit, depth + 1, data);
current_circuit->area -= gate_types[i].area; // Example area increment (modify as needed)
//printf("worker %d: returning with depth %d and area %d\n",data->worker_id,depth,current_circuit->area);
void* search_space_worker(void* args) {
// Define and initialize worker-specific parameters and loop through circuits
// You will need to pass parameters in `args` and cast them in this function
ThreadArgs *data;
data = (ThreadArgs *) args;
Circuit current_circuit;
current_circuit.area = 0;
current_circuit.gate_count = 0;
printf("%d: best Area %d, Going in recusive loop to check all circuits\n",data->worker_id, data->best_area);
generate_circuits_recursive(&current_circuit, 0, data);
//finished set worker_id to 1000 to indicate to the management thread that we finished
data->worker_id = 1000;
return NULL; // Return the best found circuit and area as needed
void brute_force_boolean(Circuit* best_circuit, int8_t truth_table[], int8_t target_outputs[], int num_inputs, int max_gates, int max_area) {
pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS];
ThreadArgs thread_args[NUM_THREADS]; // Define `ThreadArgs` to pass data to threads
int best_area = max_area;
int total_circuits = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
thread_args[i].gate_types = gate_types;
thread_args[i].num_inputs = num_inputs;
thread_args[i].num_gates = max_gates;
thread_args[i].best_area = best_area;
thread_args[i].truth_table = truth_table;
thread_args[i].target_outputs = target_outputs;
thread_args[i].worker_id = i;
thread_args[i].num_circuit[0] = 0;
thread_args[i].num_circuit[1] = 0;
pthread_mutex_init(&thread_args[i].mutex, NULL);
pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, search_space_worker, (void *)&thread_args[i]);
clock_t begin = clock();
int number_of_running_threads = NUM_THREADS;
number_of_running_threads = NUM_THREADS;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
pthread_mutex_lock(&thread_args[i].mutex); //get lock on the data
//Check if it found a better circuit then known before.
best_area = thread_args[i].best_area;
printf("Found best circuit at size %d, on worker: %d\n",best_area,i);
memcpy(best_circuit, (void *)&thread_args[i].best_circuit, sizeof(Circuit));
//found a better circuit by another thread. Update data variable so that it does not searche longer where not necessary
printf("setting the best_area size %d, on worker: %d\n",best_area,i);
thread_args[i].best_area = best_area;
//lastly check if the thread_closed
number_of_running_threads -= 1;
// Collect best circuits and area from each thread
clock_t toc = clock();
printf("%f: running number of threads: %d\n",(double)(toc - begin) / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC*number_of_running_threads),number_of_running_threads);
printf("no threads running anymore\n");
// Output the best circuit
//count total amount of circuits
for(int i=0;i<NUM_THREADS;i++){
total_circuits += thread_args[i].num_circuit[1];
printf("Total amount of circuits searched is %d M\n",total_circuits);
void fill_target_outputs(int8_t truth_table[], int8_t target_outputs[], int num_inputs) {
int num_combinations = NUM_COMBINATION;
for (int i = 0; i < num_combinations; i++) {
int inputs[num_inputs];
for (int j = 0; j < num_inputs; j++) {
inputs[j] = (i >> j) & 1; // Extract each bit of i as an input
truth_table[i*num_inputs+j] = (i >> j) & 1;;
target_outputs[i] = target_function(inputs);
int main() {
// Define target function output
int8_t target_outputs[NUM_COMBINATION*NUM_OUTPUTS]; // 1<<NUM_INPUTS is equivalent to 2^NUM_INPUTS
int8_t truth_table[NUM_COMBINATION*NUM_INPUTS]; // create a truth_table the size of target_output with an entry for every input.
fill_target_outputs(truth_table, target_outputs, NUM_INPUTS);
for(int i=0; i<(NUM_COMBINATION*NUM_OUTPUTS); i++){
target_outputs[i] = target_truth_table[(NUM_COMBINATION*NUM_OUTPUTS-1)-i]-'0'; //load in the truth table but then flipped
Circuit best_circuit;
brute_force_boolean(&best_circuit, truth_table, target_outputs, NUM_INPUTS, MAX_GATES, MAX_AREA);
printf("Found best solution\n");
// Print best circuit details
return 0;
diff --git a/ b/
index ea73f1b..5b56ae5 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,369 +1,374 @@
# Function to display the menu and get user input
show_menu() {
# Define color codes
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
echo -e "${CYAN}Current file: $FILE with module: $MODULE${RESET}"
echo -e "${YELLOW}Please select your options (you can choose multiple options):${RESET}"
echo -e "${GREEN}1)${RESET} Synthesize to NEM technology"
echo -e "${GREEN}2)${RESET} Print initial design"
echo -e "${GREEN}3)${RESET} Print out NEM optimized design"
echo -e "${GREEN}4)${RESET} Perform SAT comparison"
echo -e "${GREEN}5)${RESET} Export FSM as KISS2 format"
echo -e "${GREEN}6)${RESET} Start shell with modules"
echo -e "${GREEN}7)${RESET} Switch from normal 3T gate library to new 4T"
echo -e "${GREEN}8)${RESET} Run test"
- echo -e "${GREEN}9)${RESET} export PLA for bruteforce"
- echo -e "${GREEN}10)${RESET} Select a new Verilog file"
+ echo -e "${GREEN}9)${RESET} export truth table and MUXIG run"
+ echo -e "${GREEN}10)${RESET} export truth table and MIG run"
+ echo -e "${GREEN}11)${RESET} Select a new Verilog file"
echo -e "${GREEN}0)${RESET} Exit the program"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
# Request the file to process
echo "-:- Enter the file to map to NEM"
read -e -p "What is the file name?: " FILE
read -p "What is the name of the top module? (press ENTER for the same as the file name): " MODULE
if [ ! -f "$FILE" ]; then
echo "File not found"
FILE_BASENAME=$(basename "$FILE" | cut -d. -f1)
if [ -z "$MODULE" ]; then
#echo "setting name equal to that of the file"
#run a yosys file specified to the function
run_yosys_file() {
local yosys_file="$1"
local depth="$2"
local additional_yosys_args="$3"
# Start with basic sed commands
sed_command=$(sed -e "s|{{FILE}}|$FILE|g" \
-e "s|{{MODULE}}|$MODULE|g" \
# Apply additional sed expressions based on DEPTH value
if [[ $depth -eq 0 ]]; then
sed_command=$(echo "$sed_command" | sed -e "/#IF {{DEPTH}}==0/d" \
-e "/#ELSE/,/#END/d")
elif [[ $depth -eq 1 ]]; then
sed_command=$(echo "$sed_command" | sed -e "/#IF {{DEPTH}}==0/,/#ELSE/d" \
-e "/#END/d")
# Write the result to a temp file and run yosys
echo "$sed_command" > "./temp/${yosys_file}_temp.ys"
yosys $additional_yosys_args "./temp/${yosys_file}_temp.ys"
#Switch between 3T and 4T pass through gates
switch_liberty() {
if [ "$LIBERTY_FILE" == "nem_basic_yosys.lib" ]; then
echo "Now using extended (4T devices) libary"
elif [ "$LIBERTY_FILE" == "nem_basic_yosys_extended.lib" ]; then
echo "Now using normal libary"
echo "Unknown LIBERTY_FILE value: $LIBERTY_FILE"
compare_area() {
# Extract area values from .stat files
local area_3T=$(grep "Chip area for module" "./temp/${FILE_BASENAME}_3T.stat" | awk '{print $6}')
local area_4T=$(grep "Chip area for module" "./temp/${FILE_BASENAME}_4T.stat" | awk '{print $6}')
local area_MUX=$(grep "Chip area for module" "./temp/${FILE_BASENAME}_MUX.stat" | awk '{print $6}')
# Calculate ratio as (area_3T / area_4T) * 100
local ratio_4T=$(echo "($area_4T / $area_3T)" | bc -l)
local ratio_MUX=$(echo "($area_MUX / $area_3T)" | bc -l)
echo "------------- normal 3T ---------------"
cat "./temp/${FILE_BASENAME}_3T.stat"
echo "------------- 4T ---------------"
cat "./temp/${FILE_BASENAME}_4T.stat"
echo "------------- Muxig ---------------"
cat "./temp/${FILE_BASENAME}_MUX.stat"
echo "------------- Stats ---------------"
echo "Area 3T: $area_3T"
echo "Area 4T: $area_4T"
echo "Ratio 4T->3T: $ratio_4T%"
echo "Area MUX: $area_MUX"
echo "Ratio MUX->3T: $ratio_MUX%"
} > "./output/${FILE_BASENAME}.ratio"
# Output the areas and the ratio
echo "Area 3T: $area_3T, Area 4T: $area_4T, Ratio 4T->3T: $ratio_4T, Area MUX: $area_MUX, Ratio MUX->3T: $ratio_MUX%"
create_report() {
# Output CSV file name
# Clear the CSV file by redirecting an empty string to it
> "$csv_output"
# Write the CSV header
echo "Module,3T,4T,Ratio" > "$csv_output"
# Print the header of the table
printf "%-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s\n" "Module" "3T" "4T" "Ratio 4T" "MUX" "Ratio MUx"
printf "%-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s\n" "-------" "------" "------" "-----" "-----" "-----"
# Loop through each .ratio file in the directory
for file in ./output/*.ratio; do
# Check if the file exists
if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then
# Extract the module name
module_name=$(grep -m 1 -oP '(?<==== ).*(?= ===)' "$file") # Extract the module name
# Extract areas using grep and sed
area1=$(grep "Chip area for module" "$file" | sed -n '1s/.*: //p') # Area 3T
area2=$(grep "Chip area for module" "$file" | sed -n '2s/.*: //p') # Area 4T
area3=$(grep "Chip area for module" "$file" | sed -n '3s/.*: //p') # Area MUX
# Extract the ratio
ratio_4T=$(grep -oP '(?<=Ratio 4T->3T: )[\d.]+' "$file") # Extract the ratio
ratio_MUX=$(grep -oP '(?<=Ratio MUX->3T: )[\d.]+' "$file") # Extract the ratio
# Append the data to the CSV file
echo "$module_name,$area1,$area2,$ratio_4T,$area3,$ratio_MUX" >> "$csv_output"
# Print the results in the table format
printf "%-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s\n" "$module_name" "$area1" "$area2" "$ratio"
#Check if in menu mode or in CLI mode
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
# in menu mode
#in cli mode. Filter through all the parameters
while getopts ":d:f:m:v:x:r:" opt; do
case $opt in
d) # -d option for directory
f) # -f option for file
m) # -m option for module (requires -f to be set)
v) # -v visualize before and after synthesis
echo "found visualize"
x) # -x switch to extended nem liberty file
echo "switching to 4T libert file"
r) # -r generate report of output
echo "generating report"
\?) # Invalid option
echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
:) # Missing argument for an option
echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2
#running synthesis on al lthe files in the directory
if [ -n "$file_directory" ]; then
if [ -d "$file_directory" ]; then
echo "Directory exists: $file_directory"
for file in "$file_directory"/*.v; do
# Check if it's a regular file
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
# Use grep to find the line that starts with 'module' and extract the module name
module_name=$(grep -m 1 -oP '^module\s+\K\w+' "$file")
# If the module name is found, print the file path and the module name
if [ -n "$module_name" ]; then
echo "File: $file"
echo "Module: $module_name"
FILE_BASENAME=$(basename "$FILE" | cut -d. -f1)
#synthesise the file
echo "running sequence of test commands"
run_yosys_file "synth_nem" 0
#run_yosys_file "sat_test" 0
run_yosys_file "synth_nem" 0
#run_yosys_file "sat_test" 0
run_yosys_file "bruteforce" 0
echo "No module found in file: $file"
#done with synthesis
exit 0
echo "Directory does not exist: $file_directory"
exit 1
#running synthesis on the file requested
if [ -n "$FILE" ]; then
if [ -n "$MODULE" ]; then
if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
echo "File exists: $file"
echo "Module: $module"
FILE_BASENAME=$(basename "$FILE" | cut -d. -f1)
run_yosys_file "synth_nem" 0
if [ "$visualize" -eq 1 ]; then
run_yosys_file "visual" 0
run_yosys_file "visual" 1
echo "no visualize set"
exit 0
echo "File does not exist: $file"
exit 1
echo "Missing module (-m) for the file (-f)."
exit 1
# Loop to allow multiple selections
while true; do
read -p "Enter your choices (e.g., 1 2 3, or 0 to finish): " -a choices
for choice in "${choices[@]}"; do
case $choice in
echo "performing synthesis"
run_yosys_file "synth_nem" 0
echo "Plotting the initial design with $FILE and $MODULE"
run_yosys_file "visual" 0
echo "Plotting the NEM design with $FILE and $MODULE"
run_yosys_file "visual" 1
echo "Performing SAT test on $FILE and $MODULE"
run_yosys_file "sat_test" 0
echo "Exporting FSM overview of the design"
make clean #to make sure no previous .kiss2 file remains
run_yosys_file "fsm_export" 0
if [ -f "./temp/${FILE_BASENAME}.kiss2" ]; then
# If the file exists, run the python script and xdot
python3 ./yosys/ ./temp/${FILE_BASENAME}.kiss2 > ./temp/${FILE_BASENAME}.dot
xdot ./temp/${FILE_BASENAME}.dot
# If the file doesn't exist, print a message
echo "Could not detect an FSM in ${MODULE}"
echo "Plotting the initial design with $FILE and $MODULE"
make clean #Clean directories
run_yosys_file "synth_nem" 0
make all #build plugins
ls ./plugins/*.so
run_yosys_file "start_shell" 0 "$(for so_file in ./plugins/*.so; do echo -m "$so_file"; done)" #create a list of all plugins to load
echo "Switching libary"
echo "running sequence of test commands"
run_yosys_file "synth_nem" 0
#run_yosys_file "visual" 1
run_yosys_file "synth_nem" 0
#run_yosys_file "visual" 1
run_yosys_file "bruteforce" 0
- echo "Exporting PLA file for bruteforce"
+ echo "exporting truth table and running in mockturtle for muxig"
run_yosys_file "bruteforce" 0
+ echo "exporting truth table and running in mockturtle for MIG"
+ run_yosys_file "bruteforce" 1
+ ;;
+ 11)
echo "requesting new module"
echo "exiting"
break 2
echo "Invalid choice. Please select a number between 1 and 6."
diff --git a/sources/test_set/adder1.v b/sources/test_set/adder1.v
index b9ecf31..017b922 100644
--- a/sources/test_set/adder1.v
+++ b/sources/test_set/adder1.v
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
module adder1 (A, B, Ci, S, Co);
input A;
input B;
input Ci;
output S;
output Co;
wire[1:0] Sum5;
assign Sum5 = A + B + Ci ;
-assign S = Sum5[0] ;
-assign Co = Sum5[1] ;
+assign S = Sum5[0];
+assign Co = Sum5[1];
diff --git a/sources/test_set/maj.v b/sources/test_set/maj.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa96566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/test_set/maj.v
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module maj (
+ input A, B, C,
+ output M
+ assign M = (A & B) | (A & C) | (B & C);
diff --git a/sources/test_set/multiplier1.v b/sources/test_set/multiplier1.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a06ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/test_set/multiplier1.v
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+module multiplier1 #(parameter BITWIDTH = 1) (A, B, P);
+ // Input and Output Declarations
+ input [BITWIDTH-1:0] A; // A is an input of size BITWIDTH
+ input [BITWIDTH-1:0] B; // B is an input of size BITWIDTH
+ output [2*BITWIDTH-1:0] P; // P is an output of size 2*BITWIDTH
+ // Multiply A and B
+ assign P = A * B; // Calculate the product
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sources/test_set/redundancy_check.v b/sources/test_set/redundancy_check.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..476a96f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/test_set/redundancy_check.v
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module redundancy_check (
+ input A, B, C, D,
+ output F
+ wire O, R;
+ assign O = A | B | C | D;
+ assign R = (A & B) | (C & D);
+ assign F = O & R;
diff --git a/sources/test_set/xor_and.v b/sources/test_set/xor_and.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a09ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/test_set/xor_and.v
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+module xor_and (
+ input A, B, C,
+ output Y
+ wire X;
+ assign X = (A & ~B) | (~A & B);
+ assign Y = X & C;
diff --git a/sources/test_set/xor_test.v b/sources/test_set/xor_test.v
index 8aabe35..5d30bfc 100644
--- a/sources/test_set/xor_test.v
+++ b/sources/test_set/xor_test.v
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-module xor_test (A, B, S);
+module xor_test (A, B, C, D, S);
input A;
input B;
+input C;
+input D;
output S;
-assign S = A^B;
+assign S = A^B^C^D;
diff --git a/yosys/bruteforce.ys b/yosys/bruteforce.ys
index 5231a6c..3b34cd4 100644
--- a/yosys/bruteforce.ys
+++ b/yosys/bruteforce.ys
@@ -1,38 +1,44 @@
read_verilog {{FILE}}
#map to basic cells
write_blif ./temp/{{FILE_BASENAME}}.blif
-abc -liberty ./{{LIBERTY_FILE}} -script "+strash; &get -n; collapse; write_eqn ./temp/{{FILE_BASENAME}}.eqn;"
+abc -liberty ./{{LIBERTY_FILE}} -script "+strash; &get -n; collapse; write_eqn ./temp/{{FILE_BASENAME}}.eqn; &write_truths -x ./temp/{{FILE_BASENAME}}.truth"
-exec -- ./mockturtle/build/experiments/muxig_rewriting ./temp/{{FILE_BASENAME}}.blif
+#IF {{DEPTH}}==0
+exec -- ./mockturtle/build/experiments/muxig_rewriting ./temp/{{FILE_BASENAME}}.blif 1
+exec -- ./mockturtle/build/experiments/muxig_rewriting ./temp/{{FILE_BASENAME}}.blif 0
exec -- python3 ./yosys/ ./temp/{{FILE_BASENAME}}.blif ./temp/{{FILE_BASENAME}}_mockturtle.blif
read_blif ./temp/mapped_{{FILE_BASENAME}}_mockturtle.blif
rename top {{MODULE}}_nem
techmap -map ./yosys/mockturtle_map.v
clean -purge
abc -liberty {{LIBERTY_FILE}} -script "+attach"
clean -purge
write_verilog -selected ./temp/{{FILE_BASENAME}}_nem.v
#Output stats
tee -o ./temp/{{FILE_BASENAME}}_MUX.stat stat -liberty ./{{LIBERTY_FILE}}

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Mar 16, 10:46 AM (1 d, 20 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(78 KB)

Event Timeline