diff --git a/bruteforce.py b/bruteforce.py
index f18eb59..5d3e9af 100644
--- a/bruteforce.py
+++ b/bruteforce.py
@@ -1,122 +1,123 @@
 from itertools import product
 from functools import lru_cache  # For memoization
 # Define the area size for each gate type
 def evaluate_circuit(circuit, inputs):
     intermediate_outputs = list(inputs[:])
     for gate, in1, in2 in circuit:
         intermediate_out1 = intermediate_outputs[in1]
         intermediate_out2 = intermediate_outputs[in2]
         if gate == 'AND':
             output = intermediate_out1 & intermediate_out2
         elif gate == 'OR':
             output = intermediate_out1 | intermediate_out2
         elif gate == 'XOR':
             output = intermediate_out1 ^ intermediate_out2
         elif gate == 'XNOR':
             output = ~(intermediate_out1 ^ intermediate_out2) & 1
         elif gate == 'NAND':
             output = ~(intermediate_out1 & intermediate_out2) & 1
         elif gate == 'NOR':
             output = ~(intermediate_out1 | intermediate_out2) & 1
         elif gate == 'INV':
             output = ~intermediate_out1 & 1
         elif gate == 'ANDNOT':
             output = intermediate_out1 & (~intermediate_out2 & 1)
         elif gate == 'ORNOT':
             output = intermediate_out1 | (~intermediate_out2 & 1) # & 1 to ensure output is 0 or 1 else it will be -1
             output = 0
     return intermediate_outputs[-1]
 def brute_force_boolean(target_function, num_inputs, max_gates, max_area):
     truth_table = list(product([0, 1], repeat=num_inputs))
     target_outputs = [target_function(input_comb) for input_comb in truth_table]
     print("Truth Table and Target Outputs:")
     for inputs, output in zip(truth_table, target_outputs):
     gate_types = {
         'INV': 1160,
         'AND': 3472,
         'NAND': 2832,
         'OR': 3472,
         'NOR': 2832,
         'XOR': 4632,
         'XNOR': 4632,
         'ANDNOT': 3472,
         'ORNOT': 3472
     best_circuit = None
     best_area = max_area
     i = 0
     for num_gates in range(1, max_gates + 1):
         print("num_gates: ", num_gates, " building circuits")
         for circuit in generate_all_circuits(num_inputs, num_gates, gate_types, best_area):
             total_area = sum(gate_types[gate] for gate, _, _ in circuit)
             if(i % 100000 == 0):
                 print(f"Circuit: {i:,} at num_gates: {num_gates} with area: {total_area}")
             i += 1
             if total_area > best_area:
             if all(evaluate_circuit(tuple(circuit), inputs) == target_output
                    for inputs, target_output in zip(truth_table, target_outputs)):
                 if not best_circuit or total_area < best_area:
                     best_circuit = circuit
                     best_area = total_area
                     print("New best circuit found with area", best_area, ":", best_circuit)
                     print("Circuit with area", total_area, ":")
                     for gate, in1, in2 in circuit:
                         print(f"  Gate: {gate}, Input1: {in1}, Input2: {in2}")
     return best_circuit, best_area
 def generate_all_circuits(num_inputs, num_gates, gate_types, best_area):
     circuit: [(gate, in1, in2), ...] where gate is one of the gate types and in1, in2 are indices of the inputs or intermediate outputs
     base_indices = list(range(num_inputs))
     def recursive_build(current_circuit, available_indices, current_area, depth):
         if depth == num_gates:
             outputs_used = set()
             for _, in1, in2 in current_circuit:
             all_outputs_used = True
             for i in range(len(current_circuit)-1):
                 if i + num_inputs not in outputs_used:
                     all_outputs_used = False
             if all_outputs_used or num_gates == 1:
                 yield current_circuit
         for gate, area in gate_types.items():
             if current_area + area > best_area:
             for in1 in available_indices:
                 for in2 in available_indices:
-                    if (in1 == in2 and gate != 'INV') or (in1 != in2 and gate == 'INV'):  # Skip redundant gates
+                    #skip redundant gate if it is an INV with different inputs, or if it is a gate with the same, or if it is symmetric on a normal gate
+                    if (in1 == in2 and gate != 'INV') or (in1 != in2 and gate == 'INV') or (in1 > in2 and (gate != 'ANDNOT' or gate != 'ORNOT')):  # Skip redundant gates
                     new_circuit = current_circuit + [(gate, in1, in2)]
                     new_indices = available_indices + [len(available_indices)]
                     yield from recursive_build(new_circuit, new_indices, current_area + area, depth + 1)
     return recursive_build([], base_indices, 0, 0)
 # Example: Target function for 2-input XOR
-target_function = lambda x: x[0] ^ x[1]
-best_circuit, best_area = brute_force_boolean(target_function, num_inputs=2, max_gates=5, max_area=1000000)
+target_function = lambda x: x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[2]
+best_circuit, best_area = brute_force_boolean(target_function, num_inputs=3, max_gates=6, max_area=100000000)
 print("Best circuit:", best_circuit, "with area: ", best_area)