diff --git a/include/rosa/agent/SignalState.hpp b/include/rosa/agent/SignalState.hpp
index 0330201..ff09a42 100644
--- a/include/rosa/agent/SignalState.hpp
+++ b/include/rosa/agent/SignalState.hpp
@@ -1,476 +1,479 @@
 //===-- rosa/agent/SignalState.hpp ------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
 //                                 The RoSA Framework
 /// \file rosa/agent/SignalState.hpp
 /// \author Maximilian Götzinger (maximilian.goetzinger@tuwien.ac.at)
 /// \date 2019
 /// \brief Definition of *signal state* *functionality*.
 #include "rosa/agent/FunctionAbstractions.hpp"
 #include "rosa/agent/Functionality.h"
 #include "rosa/agent/History.hpp"
 #include "rosa/agent/State.hpp"
 #include "rosa/support/math.hpp"
 namespace rosa {
 namespace agent {
 /// Signal properties defining the properties of the signal which is monitored
 /// by \c rosa::agent::SignalStateDetector and is saved in \c
 /// rosa::agent::SignalStateInformation.
 enum SignalProperties : uint8_t {
   INPUT = 0, ///< The signal is an input signal
   OUTPUT = 1 ///< The signal is an output signal
 /// TODO: write description
 template <typename CONFDATATYPE>
 struct SignalStateInformation : StateInformation<CONFDATATYPE> {
   // Make sure the actual type arguments are matching our expectations.
                 "confidence type is not to arithmetic");
   /// TODO: describe
   CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceOfMatchingState;
   CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceOfMismatchingState;
   /// The SignalProperty saves whether the monitored signal is an input our
   /// output signal.
   SignalProperties SignalProperty;
   /// The SignalStateIsValid saves the number of samples which have been
   /// inserted into the state after entering it.
   uint32_t NumberOfInsertedSamplesAfterEntrance;
+  SignalStateInformation(unsigned int SignalStateID,
+                         SignalProperties _SignalProperty) {
+    this->StateID = SignalStateID;
+    this->SignalProperty = _SignalProperty;
+    this->StateCondition = StateConditions::UNKNOWN;
+    this->StateIsValid = false;
+    this->StateJustGotValid = false;
+    this->StateIsValidAfterReentrance = false;
+    this->ConfidenceStateIsValid = 0;
+    this->ConfidenceStateIsInvalid = 0;
+    this->ConfidenceStateIsStable = 0;
+    this->ConfidenceStateIsDrifting = 0;
+  }
 /// \tparam INDATATYPE type of input data, \tparam CONFDATATYPE type of
 /// data in that the confidence values are given, \tparam PROCDATATYPE type of
 /// the relative distance and the type of data in which DABs are saved.
 template <typename INDATATYPE, typename CONFDATATYPE, typename PROCDATATYPE>
 class SignalState : public Functionality {
   // Make sure the actual type arguments are matching our expectations.
                 "input data type not arithmetic");
                 "confidence data type is not to arithmetic");
       "process data type (DAB and Relative Distance) is not to arithmetic");
   // For the convinience to write a shorter data type name
   using PartFuncReference = PartialFunction<INDATATYPE, CONFDATATYPE> &;
   using StepFuncReference = StepFunction<INDATATYPE, CONFDATATYPE> &;
   /// SignalStateInfo is a struct of SignalStateInformation that contains
   /// information about the current signal state.
   SignalStateInformation<CONFDATATYPE> SignalStateInfo;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how good the new sample matches another sample in the sample
   /// history.
   PartFuncReference FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how bad the new sample matches another sample in the sample
   /// history.
   PartFuncReference FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how many samples from the sampe history match the new sample.
   StepFuncReference FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches is the fuzzy function that gives
   /// the confidence how many samples from the sampe history mismatch the new
   /// sample.
   StepFuncReference FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how likely it is that the signal (resp. the state of a signal)
   /// is drifting.
   PartFuncReference FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how likely it is that the signal (resp. the state of a signal)
   /// is stable (not drifting).
   PartFuncReference FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable;
   /// SampleHistory is a history in that the last sample values are stored.
   DynamicLengthHistory<INDATATYPE, HistoryPolicy::FIFO> SampleHistory;
   /// DAB is a (usually) small history of the last sample values of which a
   /// average is calculated if the DAB is full.
   DynamicLengthHistory<INDATATYPE, HistoryPolicy::SRWF> DAB;
   /// DABHistory is a history in that the last DABs (to be exact, the averages
   /// of the last DABs) are stored.
   DynamicLengthHistory<PROCDATATYPE, HistoryPolicy::LIFO> DABHistory;
   /// LowestConfidenceMatchingHistory is a history in that the lowest confidence
   /// for the current sample matches all history samples are saved.
   DynamicLengthHistory<INDATATYPE, HistoryPolicy::FIFO>
   /// HighestConfidenceMatchingHistory is a history in that the highest
   /// confidence for the current sample matches all history samples are saved.
   DynamicLengthHistory<INDATATYPE, HistoryPolicy::FIFO>
   //@benedikt: neu (passt das so?)
   CONFDATATYPE TempConfidenceMatching;
   CONFDATATYPE TempConfidenceMismatching;
   /// Creates an instance by setting all parameters
   /// \param SignalStateID The Id of the SignalStateinfo \c
   /// SignalStateInformation.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches The FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches is the
   /// fuzzy function that gives the confidence how good the new sample matches
   /// another sample in the sample history.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches The FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches is
   /// the fuzzy function that gives the confidence how bad the new sample
   /// matches another sample in the sample history.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches The
   /// FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how many samples from the sampe history match the new sample.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches The
   /// FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how many samples from the sampe history mismatch the new
   /// sample.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting The FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting is
   /// the fuzzy function that gives the confidence how likely it is that the
   /// signal (resp. the state of a signal) is drifting.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable The FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable is the
   /// fuzzy function that gives the confidence how likely it is that the signal
   /// (resp. the state of a signal) is stable (not drifting).
   /// \param SampleHistorySize Size of the Sample History \c
   /// DynamicLengthHistory . SampleHistory is a history in that the last sample
   /// values are stored.
   /// \param DABSize Size of DAB \c DynamicLengthHistory . DAB is a (usually)
   /// small history of the last sample values of which a average is calculated
   /// if the DAB is full.
   /// \param DABHistorySize Size of the DABHistory \c DynamicLengthHistory .
   /// DABHistory is a history in that the last DABs (to be exact, the averages
   /// of the last DABs) are stored.
   SignalState(uint32_t SignalStateID, SignalProperties SignalProperty,
               uint32_t SampleHistorySize, uint32_t DABSize,
               uint32_t DABHistorySize,
               PartFuncReference FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches,
               PartFuncReference FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches,
               StepFuncReference FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches,
               StepFuncReference FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches,
               PartFuncReference FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting,
               PartFuncReference FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable) noexcept
       : //@benedikt/@david: I don't know if i am allowed to initialize it like
         // that because the struct is a derivate of another struct
-        SignalStateInfo{SignalStateID,
-                        StateConditions::UNKNOWN,
-                        false,
-                        false,
-                        false,
-                        0,
-                        0,
-                        0,
-                        0,
-                        0,
-                        0,
-                        SignalProperty,
-                        0},
+        SignalStateInfo{SignalStateID, SignalProperty},
         SampleHistory(SampleHistorySize), DAB(DABSize),
         HighestConfidenceMismatchingHistory(SampleHistorySize) {}
   /// Destroys \p this object.
   ~SignalState(void) = default;
   void leaveSignalState(void) noexcept {
     SignalStateInfo.NumberOfInsertedSamplesAfterEntrance = 0;
     SignalStateInfo.StateIsValidAfterReentrance = false;
   insertSample(INDATATYPE Sample) noexcept {
     if (DAB.full()) {
       PROCDATATYPE AvgOfDAB = DAB.template average<PROCDATATYPE>();
     //@benedikt (das gehört dazu)
     SignalStateInfo.ConfidenceOfMatchingState = TempConfidenceMatching;
     SignalStateInfo.ConfidenceOfMismatchingState = TempConfidenceMismatching;
     return SignalStateInfo;
   /// Gives the confidence how likely the new sample matches the signal state.
   /// \param Sample is the actual sample of the observed signal.
   /// \return the confidence of the new sample is matching the signal state.
   confidenceSampleMatchesSignalState(INDATATYPE Sample) noexcept {
     CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceOfBestCase = 0;
     DynamicLengthHistory<PROCDATATYPE, HistoryPolicy::FIFO>
     // calculate distances to all history samples
     for (auto &HistorySample : SampleHistory) {
       PROCDATATYPE RelativeDistance =
           relativeDistance<INDATATYPE, PROCDATATYPE>(Sample, HistorySample);
     // sort all calculated distances so that the lowest distance (will get the
     // highest confidence) is at the beginning.
     CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceOfWorstFittingSample = 1;
     // Case 1 means that one (the best fitting) sample of the history is
     // compared with the new sample. Case 2 means the two best history samples
     // are compared with the new sample. And so on.
     // TODO (future): to accelerate . don't start with 1 start with some higher
     // number because a low number (i guess lower than 5) will definetely lead
     // to a low confidence. except the history is not full.
     // Case 1 means that one (the best fitting) sample of the history is
     // compared with the new sample. Case 2 means the two best history samples
     // are compared with the new sample. And so on.
     for (uint32_t Case = 0; Case < RelativeDistanceHistory.numberOfEntries();
          Case++) {
       CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceFromRelativeDistance;
       if (std::isinf(RelativeDistanceHistory[Case])) {
         // TODO (future) if fuzzy is defined in a way that infinity is not 0 it
         // would be a problem
         ConfidenceFromRelativeDistance = 0;
       } else {
         ConfidenceFromRelativeDistance =
       ConfidenceOfWorstFittingSample = fuzzyAND(ConfidenceOfWorstFittingSample,
       ConfidenceOfBestCase =
                                static_cast<CONFDATATYPE>(Case) + 1)));
     //@benedikt (das gehört dazu)
     TempConfidenceMatching = ConfidenceOfBestCase;
     return ConfidenceOfBestCase;
   /// Gives the confidence how likely the new sample mismatches the signal
   /// state.
   /// \param Sample is the actual sample of the observed signal.
   /// \return the confidence of the new sample is mismatching the signal state.
   confidenceSampleMismatchesSignalState(INDATATYPE Sample) noexcept {
     float ConfidenceOfWorstCase = 1;
     DynamicLengthHistory<PROCDATATYPE, HistoryPolicy::FIFO>
     // calculate distances to all history samples
     for (auto &HistorySample : SampleHistory) {
           relativeDistance<INDATATYPE, PROCDATATYPE>(Sample, HistorySample));
     // sort all calculated distances so that the highest distance (will get the
     // lowest confidence) is at the beginning.
     CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceOfBestFittingSample = 0;
     // TODO (future): to accelerate -> don't go until end. Confidences will only
     // get higher. See comment in "CONFDATATYPE
     // confidenceSampleMatchesSignalState(INDATATYPE Sample)".
     // Case 1 means that one (the worst fitting) sample of the history is
     // compared with the new sample. Case 2 means the two worst history samples
     // are compared with the new sample. And so on.
     for (uint32_t Case = 0; Case < RelativeDistanceHistory.numberOfEntries();
          Case++) {
       CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceFromRelativeDistance;
       if (std::isinf(RelativeDistanceHistory[Case])) {
         ConfidenceFromRelativeDistance = 1;
       } else {
         ConfidenceFromRelativeDistance =
       ConfidenceOfBestFittingSample = fuzzyOR(ConfidenceOfBestFittingSample,
       ConfidenceOfWorstCase =
                                static_cast<CONFDATATYPE>(Case) + 1)));
     //@benedikt (das gehört dazu)
     TempConfidenceMismatching = ConfidenceOfWorstCase;
     return ConfidenceOfWorstCase;
   /// Gives information about the current signal state.
   /// \return a struct SignalStateInformation that contains information about
   /// the current signal state.
   SignalStateInformation<CONFDATATYPE> signalStateInformation(void) noexcept {
     return SignalStateInfo;
   void validateSignalState(INDATATYPE Sample) {
     // TODO (future): WorstConfidenceDistance and BestConfidenceDistance could
     // be set already in "CONFDATATYPE
     // confidenceSampleMatchesSignalState(INDATATYPE Sample)" and "CONFDATATYPE
     // confidenceSampleMismatchesSignalState(INDATATYPE Sample)" when the new
     // sample is compared to all history samples. This would save a lot time
     // because the comparisons are done only once. However, it has to be asured
     // that the these two functions are called before the insertation, and the
     // FuzzyFunctions for validation and matching have to be the same!
     CONFDATATYPE LowestConfidenceMatching = 1;
     CONFDATATYPE HighestConfidenceMismatching = 0;
     for (auto &HistorySample : SampleHistory) {
       // TODO (future): think about using different fuzzy functions for
       // validation and matching.
       LowestConfidenceMatching = fuzzyAND(
           FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches(relativeDistance<INDATATYPE, PROCDATATYPE>(
               Sample, HistorySample)));
       HighestConfidenceMismatching =
                       relativeDistance<INDATATYPE, PROCDATATYPE>(
                           Sample, HistorySample)));
     LowestConfidenceMatching = LowestConfidenceMatchingHistory.lowestEntry();
     HighestConfidenceMismatching =
     SignalStateInfo.ConfidenceStateIsValid =
     SignalStateInfo.ConfidenceStateIsInvalid =
     if (SignalStateInfo.ConfidenceStateIsValid >
         SignalStateInfo.ConfidenceStateIsInvalid) {
       if (SignalStateInfo.StateIsValid) {
         SignalStateInfo.StateJustGotValid = false;
       } else {
         SignalStateInfo.StateJustGotValid = true;
       SignalStateInfo.StateIsValid = true;
       SignalStateInfo.StateIsValidAfterReentrance = true;
   void checkSignalStability(void) {
     if (DABHistory.numberOfEntries() >= 2) {
       SignalStateInfo.ConfidenceStateIsStable = FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable(
           relativeDistance<INDATATYPE, PROCDATATYPE>(
               DABHistory[DABHistory.numberOfEntries() - 1], DABHistory[0]));
       SignalStateInfo.ConfidenceStateIsDrifting = FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting(
           relativeDistance<INDATATYPE, PROCDATATYPE>(
               DABHistory[DABHistory.numberOfEntries() - 1], DABHistory[0]));
     } else {
       // @benedikt: I do not know if this "initializing" is the best, but I
       // think it makes sense because we do not know if it is stable or
       // drifting.
       SignalStateInfo.ConfidenceStateIsStable = 0;
       SignalStateInfo.ConfidenceStateIsDrifting = 0;
     //@benedikt: before it was "ConfidenceSignalIsStable >=
     // ConfidenceSignalIsDrifting" -> stable. However, I think like that it
     // makes
     // more sense. What do you mean?
     if (SignalStateInfo.ConfidenceStateIsStable >
         SignalStateInfo.ConfidenceStateIsDrifting) {
       SignalStateInfo.StateCondition = StateConditions::STABLE;
     } else if (SignalStateInfo.ConfidenceStateIsStable <
                SignalStateInfo.ConfidenceStateIsDrifting) {
       SignalStateInfo.StateCondition = StateConditions::DRIFTING;
     } else {
       SignalStateInfo.StateCondition = StateConditions::UNKNOWN;
 } // End namespace agent
 } // End namespace rosa