diff --git a/include/rosa/agent/SignalState.hpp b/include/rosa/agent/SignalState.hpp
index 5a3d014..8dd450e 100644
--- a/include/rosa/agent/SignalState.hpp
+++ b/include/rosa/agent/SignalState.hpp
@@ -1,471 +1,471 @@
 //===-- rosa/agent/SignalState.hpp ------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
 //                                 The RoSA Framework
 /// \file rosa/agent/SignalState.hpp
 /// \author Maximilian Götzinger (maximilian.goetzinger@tuwien.ac.at)
 /// \date 2019
 /// \brief Definition of *signal state* *functionality*.
 #include "rosa/agent/FunctionAbstractions.hpp"
 #include "rosa/agent/Functionality.h"
 #include "rosa/agent/History.hpp"
 #include "rosa/support/math.hpp"
 namespace rosa {
 namespace agent {
 /// Signal state conditions defining how the condition of a \c
 /// rosa::agent::SignalState is saved in \c rosa::agent::SignalStateInformation.
 enum SignalStateCondition : uint8_t {
   STABLE = 0,   ///< The signal state is stable
   DRIFTING = 1, ///< The signal state is drifting
   UNKNOWN = 2   ///< The signal state is unknown
 /// TODO: write description
 template <typename CONFDATATYPE> struct SignalStateInformation {
   // Make sure the actual type arguments are matching our expectations.
                 "confidence type is not to arithmetic");
-  /// The signal state ID saved as an unsigned integer number
-  unsigned int SignalStateID;
+  /// The signal state ID saved as an uint32_teger number
+  uint32_t SignalStateID;
   /// The SignalStateConfidence shows the overall confidence value of the signal
   /// state.
   CONFDATATYPE SignalStateConfidence;
   /// The SignalStateCondition shows the condition of a signal state (stable,
   /// drifting, or unknown)
   SignalStateCondition SignalStateCondition;
   /// The SignalStateIsValid saves the number of samples which have been
   /// inserted into the state after entering it.
-  unsigned int NumberOfInsertedSamplesAfterEntrance;
+  uint32_t NumberOfInsertedSamplesAfterEntrance;
   /// The SignalStateIsValid shows whether a signal state is valid or invalid.
   /// In this context, valid means that enough samples which are in close
   /// proximitry have been inserted into the signal state.
   bool SignalStateIsValid;
   /// The SignalStateJustGotValid shows whether a signal state got valid
   /// (toggled from invalid to valid) during the current inserted sample.
   bool SignalStateJustGotValid;
   /// The SignalStateIsValidAfterReentrance shows whether a signal state is
   /// valid after the variable changed back to it again.
   bool SignalStateIsValidAfterReentrance;
   /// The SignalIsStableNotDrifting shows whether a signa is stable and not
   /// drifting.
   bool SignalIsStable;
 /// \tparam INDATATYPE type of input data, \tparam CONFDATATYPE type of
 /// data in that the confidence values are given, \tparam PROCDATATYPE type of
 /// the relative distance and the type of data in which DABs are saved.
 template <typename INDATATYPE, typename CONFDATATYPE, typename PROCDATATYPE>
 class SignalState : public Functionality {
   // Make sure the actual type arguments are matching our expectations.
                 "input data type not arithmetic");
                 "confidence data type is not to arithmetic");
       "process data type (DAB and Relative Distance) is not to arithmetic");
   // For the convinience to write a shorter data type name
   using PartFuncPointer =
       std::shared_ptr<PartialFunction<INDATATYPE, CONFDATATYPE>>;
   // @Benedikt: are INDATATYPE, CONFDATATYPE right here?
   using StepFuncPointer =
       std::shared_ptr<StepFunction<INDATATYPE, CONFDATATYPE>>;
   /// SignalStateInfo is a struct SignalStateInformation that contains
   /// information about the current state.
   SignalStateInformation<CONFDATATYPE> SignalStateInfo;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how good the new sample matches another sample in the sample
   /// history.
   PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how bad the new sample matches another sample in the sample
   /// history.
   PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how many samples from the sampe history match the new sample.
   StepFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches is the fuzzy function that gives
   /// the confidence how many samples from the sampe history mismatch the new
   /// sample.
   StepFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how likely it is that the signal (resp. the state of a signal)
   /// is drifting.
   PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how likely it is that the signal (resp. the state of a signal)
   /// is stable (not drifting).
   PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable;
   /// SampleHistory is a history in that the last sample values are stored.
   DynamicLengthHistory<INDATATYPE, HistoryPolicy::FIFO> SampleHistory;
   /// DAB is a (usually) small history of the last sample values of which a
   /// average is calculated if the DAB is full.
   DynamicLengthHistory<INDATATYPE, HistoryPolicy::SRWF> DAB;
   /// DABHistory is a history in that the last DABs (to be exact, the averages
   /// of the last DABs) are stored.
   DynamicLengthHistory<PROCDATATYPE, HistoryPolicy::LIFO> DABHistory;
   /// LowestConfidenceMatchingHistory is a history in that the lowest confidence
   /// for the current sample matches all history samples are saved.
   DynamicLengthHistory<INDATATYPE, HistoryPolicy::FIFO>
   /// HighestConfidenceMatchingHistory is a history in that the highest
   /// confidence for the current sample matches all history samples are saved.
   DynamicLengthHistory<INDATATYPE, HistoryPolicy::FIFO>
   // @Maxi doxygen per default doesn't display private attributes of a class. So
   // I copied them to the constructor. So the user has more information.
   /// Creates an instance by setting all parameters
   /// \param SignalStateID The Id of the SignalStateinfo \c
   /// SignalStateInformation.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches The FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches is the
   /// fuzzy function that gives the confidence how good the new sample matches
   /// another sample in the sample history.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches The FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches is
   /// the fuzzy function that gives the confidence how bad the new sample
   /// matches another sample in the sample history.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches The
   /// FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how many samples from the sampe history match the new sample.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches The
   /// FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how many samples from the sampe history mismatch the new
   /// sample.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting The FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting is
   /// the fuzzy function that gives the confidence how likely it is that the
   /// signal (resp. the state of a signal) is drifting.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable The FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable is the
   /// fuzzy function that gives the confidence how likely it is that the signal
   /// (resp. the state of a signal) is stable (not drifting).
   /// \param SampleHistorySize Size of the Sample History \c
   /// DynamicLengthHistory . SampleHistory is a history in that the last sample
   /// values are stored.
   /// \param DABSize Size of DAB \c DynamicLengthHistory . DAB is a (usually)
   /// small history of the last sample values of which a average is calculated
   /// if the DAB is full.
   /// \param DABHistorySize Size of the DABHistory \c DynamicLengthHistory .
   /// DABHistory is a history in that the last DABs (to be exact, the averages
   /// of the last DABs) are stored.
-  SignalState(unsigned int SignalStateID, unsigned int SampleHistorySize,
-              unsigned int DABSize, unsigned int DABHistorySize,
+  SignalState(uint32_t SignalStateID, uint32_t SampleHistorySize,
+              uint32_t DABSize, uint32_t DABHistorySize,
               PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches,
               PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches,
               StepFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches,
               StepFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches,
               PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting,
               PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable) noexcept
       : SignalStateInfo{SignalStateID, 0,     SignalStateCondition::UNKNOWN, 0,
                         false,         false,
                         false, //@maxi added the Signal is stable bool
         SampleHistory(SampleHistorySize), DAB(DABSize),
         HighestConfidenceMismatchingHistory(SampleHistorySize) {}
   /// Destroys \p this object.
   ~SignalState(void) = default;
   void leaveSignalState(void) noexcept {
     SignalStateInfo.NumberOfInsertedSamplesAfterEntrance = 0;
     SignalStateInfo.SignalStateIsValidAfterReentrance = false;
   insertSample(INDATATYPE Sample) noexcept {
     if (DAB.full()) {
       PROCDATATYPE AvgOfDAB = DAB.template average<PROCDATATYPE>();
     //@Benedikt: Do I really have to cast here?
     return SignalStateInfo;
   /// Gives the confidence how likely the new sample matches the signal state.
   /// \param Sample is the actual sample of the observed signal.
   /// \return the confidence of the new sample is matching the signal state.
   confidenceSampleMatchesSignalState(INDATATYPE Sample) noexcept {
     CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceOfBestCase = 0;
     DynamicLengthHistory<PROCDATATYPE, HistoryPolicy::FIFO>
     // calculate distances to all history samples
     for (auto &HistorySample : SampleHistory) {
       PROCDATATYPE RelativeDistance =
           relativeDistance<INDATATYPE, PROCDATATYPE>(Sample, HistorySample);
     // sort all calculated distances so that the lowest distance (will get the
     // highest confidence) is at the beginning.
     CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceOfWorstFittingSample = 1;
     // Case 1 means that one (the best fitting) sample of the history is
     // compared with the new sample. Case 2 means the two best history samples
     // are compared with the new sample. And so on.
     // TODO (future): to accelerate -> don't start with 1 start with some higher
     // number because a low number (i guess lower than 5) will definetely lead
     // to a low confidence. except the history is not full.
-    for (unsigned int Case = 0;
-         Case < RelativeDistanceHistory.numberOfEntries(); Case++) {
+    for (uint32_t Case = 0; Case < RelativeDistanceHistory.numberOfEntries();
+         Case++) {
       CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceFromRelativeDistance;
       if (std::isinf(RelativeDistanceHistory[Case])) {
         // TODO (future) if fuzzy is defined in a way that infinity is not 0 it
         // would be a problem
         //@benedikt: check if your partialfunctions can take infinity as
         // argument
         //@benedikt: same as before "->operator()"
         ConfidenceFromRelativeDistance = 0;
       } else {
         ConfidenceFromRelativeDistance = FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches->operator()(
       ConfidenceOfWorstFittingSample = fuzzyAND<CONFDATATYPE>(
           2, ConfidenceOfWorstFittingSample, ConfidenceFromRelativeDistance);
       //@benedikt: do i have to pass the number 2 to tell the function how many
       // arguments are following?
       //@benedikt: same as before with "->operator()"
       ConfidenceOfBestCase = fuzzyOR<CONFDATATYPE>(
           2, ConfidenceOfBestCase,
           fuzzyAND<CONFDATATYPE>(2, ConfidenceOfWorstFittingSample,
                                      static_cast<CONFDATATYPE>(Case) + 1)));
     return ConfidenceOfBestCase;
   /// Gives the confidence how likely the new sample mismatches the signal
   /// state.
   /// \param Sample is the actual sample of the observed signal.
   /// \return the confidence of the new sample is mismatching the signal state.
   confidenceSampleMismatchesSignalState(INDATATYPE Sample) noexcept {
     float ConfidenceOfWorstCase = 1;
     DynamicLengthHistory<PROCDATATYPE, HistoryPolicy::FIFO>
     // calculate distances to all history samples
     for (auto &HistorySample : SampleHistory) {
           relativeDistance<INDATATYPE, PROCDATATYPE>(Sample, HistorySample));
     // sort all calculated distances so that the highest distance (will get the
     // lowest confidence) is at the beginning.
     CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceOfBestFittingSample = 0;
     // Case 1 means that one (the worst fitting) sample of the history is
     // compared with the new sample. Case 2 means the two worst history samples
     // are compared with the new sample. And so on.
     // TODO (future): to accelerate -> don't go until end. Confidences will only
     // get higher. See comment in "CONFDATATYPE
     // confidenceSampleMatchesSignalState(INDATATYPE Sample)".
-    for (unsigned int Case = 0;
-         Case < RelativeDistanceHistory.numberOfEntries(); Case++) {
+    for (uint32_t Case = 0; Case < RelativeDistanceHistory.numberOfEntries();
+         Case++) {
       CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceFromRelativeDistance;
       if (std::isinf(RelativeDistanceHistory[Case])) {
         ConfidenceFromRelativeDistance = 1;
       } else {
         //@benedikt: I had to change the following line. The outcommented line
         // was the original one. I think it is ugly like that (new line). Do you
         // have an idea how to make it better/more beautiful?
         ConfidenceFromRelativeDistance =
         // FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches(RelativeDistanceHistory[Case]);
       //@benedikt: do i have to pass the number 2 to tell the function how many
       // arguments are following?
       ConfidenceOfBestFittingSample = fuzzyOR<CONFDATATYPE>(
           2, ConfidenceOfBestFittingSample, ConfidenceFromRelativeDistance);
       //@benedikt: do i have to pass the number 2 to tell the function how many
       // arguments are following?
       //@benedikt: same as before with "->operator()"
       ConfidenceOfWorstCase = fuzzyAND<CONFDATATYPE>(
           2, ConfidenceOfWorstCase,
           fuzzyOR<CONFDATATYPE>(2, ConfidenceOfBestFittingSample,
                                     static_cast<CONFDATATYPE>(Case) + 1)));
     return ConfidenceOfWorstCase;
   /// Gives information about the current signal state.
   /// \return a struct SignalStateInformation that contains information about
   /// the current signal state.
   SignalStateInformation<CONFDATATYPE> signalStateInformation(void) noexcept {
     return SignalStateInfo;
   void validateSignalState(INDATATYPE Sample) {
     // TODO (future): WorstConfidenceDistance and BestConfidenceDistance could
     // be set already in "CONFDATATYPE
     // confidenceSampleMatchesSignalState(INDATATYPE Sample)" and "CONFDATATYPE
     // confidenceSampleMismatchesSignalState(INDATATYPE Sample)" when the new
     // sample is compared to all history samples. This would save a lot time
     // because the comparisons are done only once. However, it has to be asured
     // that the these two functions are called before the insertation, and the
     // FuzzyFunctions for validation and matching have to be the same!
     CONFDATATYPE LowestConfidenceMatching = 1;
     CONFDATATYPE HighestConfidenceMismatching = 0;
     for (auto &HistorySample : SampleHistory) {
       // TODO (future): think about using different fuzzy functions for
       // validation and matching.
       //@benedikt: same with "->operator()"
       LowestConfidenceMatching =
           fuzzyAND<CONFDATATYPE>(2, LowestConfidenceMatching,
                                      relativeDistance<INDATATYPE, PROCDATATYPE>(
                                          Sample, HistorySample)));
       //@benedikt: same with "->operator()"
       HighestConfidenceMismatching =
           fuzzyOR<CONFDATATYPE>(2, HighestConfidenceMismatching,
                                     relativeDistance<INDATATYPE, PROCDATATYPE>(
                                         Sample, HistorySample)));
     LowestConfidenceMatching = LowestConfidenceMatchingHistory.lowestEntry();
     HighestConfidenceMismatching =
     //@benedikt: same with "->operator()"
     CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceSignalStateIsValid = fuzzyAND<CONFDATATYPE>(
         2, LowestConfidenceMatching,
     //@benedikt: same with "->operator()"
     CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceSignalStateIsInvalid = fuzzyOR<CONFDATATYPE>(
         2, HighestConfidenceMismatching,
     if (ConfidenceSignalStateIsValid > ConfidenceSignalStateIsInvalid) {
       if (SignalStateInfo.SignalStateIsValid) {
         SignalStateInfo.SignalStateJustGotValid = false;
       } else {
         SignalStateInfo.SignalStateJustGotValid = true;
       SignalStateInfo.SignalStateIsValid = true;
       SignalStateInfo.SignalStateIsValidAfterReentrance = true;
   void checkSignalStability(void) {
     CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceSignalIsStable;
     CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceSignalIsDrifting;
     if (DABHistory.numberOfEntries() >= 2) {
       //@benedikt: same "->operator()"
       ConfidenceSignalIsStable = FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable->operator()(
           relativeDistance<INDATATYPE, PROCDATATYPE>(
               DABHistory[DABHistory.numberOfEntries() - 1], DABHistory[0]));
       //@benedikt: same "->operator()"
       ConfidenceSignalIsDrifting = FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting->operator()(
           relativeDistance<INDATATYPE, PROCDATATYPE>(
               DABHistory[DABHistory.numberOfEntries() - 1], DABHistory[0]));
     } else {
       // QUESTION: is it ok to say stable = 1 and drift = 0, when I simply don't
       // know because the state is so new. Is there an option for saying don't
       // know?
       ConfidenceSignalIsStable = 1;
       ConfidenceSignalIsDrifting = 0;
     SignalStateInfo.SignalIsStable =
         ConfidenceSignalIsStable >= ConfidenceSignalIsDrifting;
 } // End namespace agent
 } // End namespace rosa
diff --git a/include/rosa/agent/SignalStateDetector.hpp b/include/rosa/agent/SignalStateDetector.hpp
index 7923b49..6de4b9a 100644
--- a/include/rosa/agent/SignalStateDetector.hpp
+++ b/include/rosa/agent/SignalStateDetector.hpp
@@ -1,285 +1,285 @@
 //===-- rosa/agent/SignalStateDetector.hpp ----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
 //                                 The RoSA Framework
 /// \file rosa/agent/SignalStateDetector.hpp
 /// \author Maximilian Götzinger (maximilian.goetzinger@tuwien.ac.at)
 /// \date 2019
 /// \brief Definition of *signal state detector* *functionality*.
 #include "rosa/agent/FunctionAbstractions.hpp"
 #include "rosa/agent/Functionality.h"
 #include "rosa/agent/History.hpp"
 #include "rosa/agent/SignalState.hpp"
 #include <vector>
 namespace rosa {
 namespace agent {
 /// Implements \c rosa::agent::SignalStateDetector as a functionality that
 /// detects signal states given on input samples.
 /// \note This implementation is supposed to be used for samples of an
 /// arithmetic type.
 /// \tparam INDATATYPE type of input data, \tparam CONFDATATYPE type of
 /// data in that the confidence values are given, \tparam PROCDATATYPE type of
 /// the relative distance and the type of data in which DABs are saved.
 template <typename INDATATYPE, typename CONFDATATYPE, typename PROCDATATYPE,
           HistoryPolicy HP>
 class SignalStateDetector : public Functionality {
   // Make sure the actual type arguments are matching our expectations.
                 "input data type not arithmetic");
                 "confidence abstraction type is not to arithmetic");
   // For the convinience to write a shorter data type name
   using PartFuncPointer =
       std::shared_ptr<PartialFunction<INDATATYPE, CONFDATATYPE>>;
   using StepFuncPointer =
       std::shared_ptr<StepFunction<INDATATYPE, CONFDATATYPE>>;
   using SignalStatePtr =
       std::shared_ptr<SignalState<INDATATYPE, CONFDATATYPE, PROCDATATYPE>>;
   /// The NextSignalStateID is a counter variable which stores the ID which the
   /// next signal state shall have.
-  unsigned int NextSignalStateID;
+  uint32_t NextSignalStateID;
   /// The SignalStateHasChanged is a flag that show whether a signal has changed
   /// its state.
   bool SignalStateHasChanged;
   /// The CurrentSignalState is a pointer to the (saved) signal state in which
   /// the actual variable (signal) of the observed system is.
   SignalStatePtr CurrentSignalState;
   /// The DetectedSignalStates is a history in that all detected signal states
   /// are saved.
   DynamicLengthHistory<SignalStatePtr, HP> DetectedSignalStates;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how good the new sample matches another sample in the sample
   /// history.
   PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how bad the new sample matches another sample in the sample
   /// history.
   PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how many samples from the sampe history match the new sample.
   StepFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches is the fuzzy function that gives
   /// the confidence how many samples from the sampe history mismatch the new
   /// sample.
   StepFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how likely it is that the signal is drifting.
   PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how likely it is that the signal is stable (not drifting).
   PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable;
   /// SampleHistorySize is the (maximum) size of the sample history.
-  unsigned int SampleHistorySize;
+  uint32_t SampleHistorySize;
   /// DABSize the size of a DAB (Discrete Average Block).
-  unsigned int DABSize;
+  uint32_t DABSize;
   /// DABHistorySize is the (maximum) size of the DAB history.
-  unsigned int DABHistorySize;
+  uint32_t DABHistorySize;
   /// Creates an instance by setting all parameters
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches The FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches is the
   /// fuzzy function that gives the confidence how good the new sample matches
   /// another sample in the sample history.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches The FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches is
   /// the fuzzy function that gives the confidence how bad the new sample
   /// matches another sample in the sample history.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches The
   /// FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how many samples from the sampe history match the new sample.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches The
   /// FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches is the fuzzy function that gives the
   /// confidence how many samples from the sampe history mismatch the new
   /// sample.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting The FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting is
   /// the fuzzy function that gives the confidence how likely it is that the
   /// signal (resp. the state of a signal) is drifting.
   /// \param FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable The FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable is the
   /// fuzzy function that gives the confidence how likely it is that the signal
   /// (resp. the state of a signal) is stable (not drifting).
   /// \param SampleHistorySize Sets the History size which will be used by \c
   /// SignalState.
   /// \param DABSize Sets the DAB size which will be used by \c SignalState.
   /// \param DABHistorySize Sets the size which will be used by \c SignalState.
-  SignalStateDetector(unsigned int MaximumNumberOfSignalStates,
+  SignalStateDetector(uint32_t MaximumNumberOfSignalStates,
                       PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches,
                       PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches,
                       StepFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches,
                       StepFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches,
                       PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting,
                       PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable,
-                      unsigned int SampleHistorySize, unsigned int DABSize,
-                      unsigned int DABHistorySize) noexcept
+                      uint32_t SampleHistorySize, uint32_t DABSize,
+                      uint32_t DABHistorySize) noexcept
       : NextSignalStateID(1), SignalStateHasChanged(false),
         SampleHistorySize(SampleHistorySize), DABSize(DABSize),
         DABHistorySize(DABHistorySize) {}
   /// Destroys \p this object.
   ~SignalStateDetector(void) = default;
   /// Detects the signal state to which the new sample belongs or create a new
   /// signal state if the new sample does not match to any of the saved states.
   /// \param Sample is the actual sample of the observed signal.
   /// \return the information of the current signal state (signal state ID and
   /// other parameters).
   detectSignalState(INDATATYPE Sample) noexcept {
     if (!CurrentSignalState) {
       SignalStatePtr S = createNewSignalState();
       CurrentSignalState = S;
     } else {
       CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceSampleMatchesSignalState =
       CONFDATATYPE ConfidenceSampleMismatchesSignalState =
       if (ConfidenceSampleMatchesSignalState >
           ConfidenceSampleMismatchesSignalState) {
         SignalStateHasChanged = false;
       } else {
         SignalStateHasChanged = true;
         if (CurrentSignalState->signalStateInformation().SignalStateIsValid) {
         } else {
           //@benedikt: changed from vector to history. can i still do the next
           // line?
         // TODO (future): additionally save averages to enable fast iteration
         // through recorded signl state history (maybe sort vector based on
         // these
         // average values)
         CurrentSignalState = nullptr;
         //@benedikt: same question
         for (auto &SavedSignalState : DetectedSignalStates) {
           if (SavedSignalState != CurrentSignalState) {
             ConfidenceSampleMatchesSignalState =
             ConfidenceSampleMismatchesSignalState =
             if (ConfidenceSampleMatchesSignalState >
                 ConfidenceSampleMismatchesSignalState) {
               // TODO (future): maybe it would be better to compare
               // ConfidenceSampleMatchesSignalState of all signal states in the
               // vector in order to find the best matching signal state.
               CurrentSignalState = SavedSignalState;
         if (!CurrentSignalState) {
           SignalStatePtr S = createNewSignalState();
           CurrentSignalState = S;
     SignalStateInformation<CONFDATATYPE> SignalStateInfo =
     if (SignalStateInfo.SignalStateJustGotValid) {
     return SignalStateInfo;
   /// Gives information about the current signal state.
   /// \return a struct SignalStateInformation that contains information about
   /// the current signal state or NULL if no current signal state exists.
   currentSignalStateInformation(void) noexcept {
     if (CurrentSignalState) {
       return CurrentSignalState->signalStateInformation();
     } else {
       return NULL;
   /// Gives information whether a signal state change has happened or not.
   /// \return true if a signal state change has happened, and false if not.
   bool signalStateHasChanged(void) noexcept { return SignalStateHasChanged; }
   /// Creates a new signal state and adds it to the signal state vector in which
   /// all known states are saved.
   /// \return a pointer to the newly created signal state or NULL if no state
   /// could be created.
   SignalStatePtr createNewSignalState(void) noexcept {
         NextSignalStateID, SampleHistorySize, DABSize, DABHistorySize,
         FuzzyFunctionSampleMatches, FuzzyFunctionSampleMismatches,
         FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMatches, FuzzyFunctionNumOfSamplesMismatches,
         FuzzyFunctionSignalIsDrifting, FuzzyFunctionSignalIsStable));
     // @benedikt: todo: assert in history, which checks if push_back worked
     return S;
 } // End namespace agent
 } // End namespace rosa
diff --git a/include/rosa/agent/SystemStateDetector.hpp b/include/rosa/agent/SystemStateDetector.hpp
index 316e51e..b12d2f7 100644
--- a/include/rosa/agent/SystemStateDetector.hpp
+++ b/include/rosa/agent/SystemStateDetector.hpp
@@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
 //===-- rosa/agent/SystemStateDetector.hpp ----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
 //                                 The RoSA Framework
 /// \file rosa/agent/SystemStateDetector.hpp
 /// \author Maximilian Götzinger (maximilian.goetzinger@tuwien.ac.at)
 /// \date 2019
 /// \brief Definition of *system state detector* *functionality*.
 #include "rosa/agent/FunctionAbstractions.hpp"
 #include "rosa/agent/Functionality.h"
 #include "rosa/agent/History.hpp"
 #include "rosa/agent/SystemState.hpp"
 #include "rosa/support/debug.hpp"
 namespace rosa {
 namespace agent {
 /// System state conditions defining how the condition of a \c
 /// rosa::agent::SystemState is saved in \c rosa::agent::SystemStateInformation.
 enum class SystemStateCondition {
   STABLE,         ///< The system state is stable
   DRIFTING,       ///< The system state is drifting
   MALFUNCTIONING, ///< The system state is malfunctioning
   UNKNOWN         ///< The system state is unknown
 /// TODO: write description
 template <typename CONFDATATYPE> struct SystemStateInformation {
   // Make sure the actual type arguments are matching our expectations.
                 "confidence type is not to arithmetic");
-  /// The system state ID saved as an unsigned integer number
-  unsigned int SystemStateID;
+  /// The system state ID saved as an uint32_teger number
+  uint32_t SystemStateID;
   /// The SystemStateConfidence shows the overall confidence value of the system
   /// state.
   CONFDATATYPE OverallDetectionConfidence;
   /// The SystemStateCondition shows the condition of a system state (stable,
   /// drifting, malfunctioning, or unknown)
   //@David: is it ok to name the variable exactly as the type is named?
   SystemStateCondition SystemStateCondition;
   /// The SystemStateIsValid saves the number of samples which have been
   /// inserted into the state after entering it.
-  unsigned int NumberOfInsertedSamplesAfterEntrance;
+  uint32_t NumberOfInsertedSamplesAfterEntrance;
   /// The SystemStateIsValid shows whether a state is valid or invalid.
   /// In this context, valid means that enough samples which are in close
   /// proximitry have been inserted into the state.
   bool SystemStateIsValid;
   /// The SystemStateJustGotValid shows whether a system state got valid
   /// (toggled from invalid to valid) during the current inserted sample.
   bool SystemStateJustGotValid;
   /// The SystemStateIsValidAfterReentrance shows whether a system state is
   /// valid after the variable changed back to it again.
   bool SystemStateIsValidAfterReentrance;
   /// The SystemIsStable shows whether a signa is stable and not
   /// drifting.
   bool SystemIsStable;
 /// TODO: write description
 template <typename INDATATYPE, typename CONFDATATYPE, typename PROCDATATYPE,
           HistoryPolicy HP, std::size_t NUMOFINPUTSIGNALS,
           std::size_t NUMOFOUTPUTSIGNALS>
 class SystemStateDetector : public Functionality {
   // Make sure the actual type arguments are matching our expectations.
                 "input data type not arithmetic");
                 "confidence abstraction type is not to arithmetic");
   // For the convinience to write a shorter data type name
   using PartFuncPointer =
       std::shared_ptr<PartialFunction<INDATATYPE, CONFDATATYPE>>;
   using SystemStatePtr =
       std::shared_ptr<SystemState<INDATATYPE, CONFDATATYPE, PROCDATATYPE,
                                   NUMOFINPUTSIGNALS, NUMOFOUTPUTSIGNALS>>;
   /// The NextSystemStateID is a counter variable which stores the ID which
   /// the
   /// next system state shall have.
-  unsigned int NextSystemStateID;
+  uint32_t NextSystemStateID;
   /// The SystemStateHasChanged is a flag that show whether the observed
   /// system
   /// has changed its state.
   bool SystemStateHasChanged;
   /// The CurrentSystemState is a pointer to the (saved) system state in which
   /// the actual state of the observed system is.
   SystemStatePtr CurrentSystemState;
   /// The DetectedSystemStates is a history in that all detected system states
   /// are saved.
   DynamicLengthHistory<SystemStatePtr, HP> DetectedSystemStates;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionDelayTimeToGetBroken is the fuzzy function that gives
   /// the
   /// confidence whether the system is Broken because of an input change
   /// without
   /// an output change or vice versa. A small time gap between the two shall
   /// be
   /// allowed.
   PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionDelayTimeToGetBroken;
   /// The FuzzyFunctionDelayTimeToBeWorking is the fuzzy function that gives
   /// the
   /// confidence whether the system is still OK allthough an input change
   /// without an output change or vice versa.
   PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionDelayTimeToBeWorking;
   /// TODO: write description
-      unsigned int MaximumNumberOfSystemStates,
+      uint32_t MaximumNumberOfSystemStates,
       PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionDelayTimeToGetBroken,
       PartFuncPointer FuzzyFunctionDelayTimeToBeWorking) noexcept
       : NextSystemStateID(1), SystemStateHasChanged(false),
         FuzzyFunctionDelayTimeToBeWorking(FuzzyFunctionDelayTimeToBeWorking) {}
   /// Destroys \p this object.
   ~SystemStateDetector(void) = default;
   /// TODO: write description
   detectSignalState(INDATATYPE Sample) noexcept {
     // dummy line
     Sample = 1;
 } // End namespace agent
 } // End namespace rosa